Chapter 62: When I Hang Up My Skates

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anyway so this is ✨lengthy✨

one week left of Plie and Clout *cries a little* and then-

i'll tell you at the bottom





Steph's about a half hour late from his 7 o'clock promise.

He knocks and when I open the door, gives me a look of honest-to-god tired-out stressed-out sadness.

"Can we forget everything that's happening right now?" he mumbles, standing on the other side of my door, huddled in his coat.

"Sure, why?" I respond.

He steps inside, then sets his head on my shoulder, going right for a hug.


I thread my fingers through his hair and rub his back, confused.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask, kissing the side of his head. He holds me a little tighter.

"I had to wear a no-contact jersey, I met a guy who scared the shit out of me, and," he pauses. "And-" he clears his throat. "I might," he stops again. "I might have a season ending injury."

I freeze. "What?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay." I whisper, leaning over and shutting the door. He stays quietly tucked into my neck. I think about a couple of things while he's still hugging me. "Steph?"

"Mm?" he mumbles. I need to distract him from all this.

"When's the next time you're in Boston?"

He thinks about it for a second. "March first."

"I'm sorry, I don't know anything about this, but do you have extra time while traveling?"

"This one, yes, because it's a longer road trip and we need time to rest and practice between games. Why?"

"I'm in Boston at the very end of April for my brothers' birthdays. Do you want to, maybe, drive out and meet my family?"

He gets a little stiff again. "Uh, yeah, but... don't they think I'm an engineer? Isn't that, I just, I, do they hate me for this?"

I scratch the back of his head, playing with his hair. "I haven't told anyone about this part yet, but only Mom thinks you're an engineer. I didn't tell the boys or my dad."

"But, you know, things get around." He stands up again, wringing his hands. "I don't want to go if they're going to hate me, Aug."

"They won't, Steph, I'll explain it for you beforehand and once you get there and they meet you, it'll be alright."

He gives me a little nod. "I'll give you a little more information on the road trip as it gets closer, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get out for it."

I nod, then suck in a breath, we're still awkward so I don't know if this is alright. I reach up and kiss his cheek. "Go sit down in the living room, I'll make some tea."

He gives me a grateful look. "Alright."

In the kitchen, I put the kettle on the stove and then sit on the counter and wait. I'm absolutely riddled with anxiety about this and even going out there while waiting for the tea water to boil seems weird.

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