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Hey guys, this story is a bit long, so I'm going to be cutting it down over the next two weeks, then the first chapter is being posted on Valentine's day. 

Music: Lonely with me - Parachute

Without further ado, meet our main character, Steph Sagamore.



"The seventh draft pick belongs to the Boston Bruins."

"For the seventh pick overall, the Boston Bruins are proud to select Stephan Sagamore from Guelph Storm OHL."

There's an uproar from the crowd as eighteen-year-old Stephan stands up out of his seat, getting hugged left and right by everyone. He looks utterly stunned.

"For the top defensive pick this year, and you can see it, Sagamore did not expect to get picked seventh, he's on the smaller side of draft picks this year, but I know he'll serve Boston well." The announcer says.

I watch 18-year-old Steph in his suit vest speed walk toward the podium, he's grinning from ear to ear, flushed pink all the way through, and quite tousled from all the hugging. But, it doesn't go as he planned, because here's a staircase in his way, and before I know it, he's on the ground.

But, Steph is Steph and he gets back up, redder than New Jersey's uniforms.

"Sagamore seems to have taken quite the spill on his way up those stairs, I wonder if he's okay." The announcers are mildly concerned.

"He seems to be fine." Steph pulls on a Boston jersey and is handed a hat, both of which are too big for him. He's grinning in the most adorable way, being the absolute dork he is.

"I'm tempted to replay that fall there, what a way to enter the pros."

"He's trying to get Don Sweeney's attention." Steph is poking Sweeney's sleeve.

"Uh," the announcers are lost for words. Steph's eyes are wide and he's not smiling anymore. Sweeney looks over at him and Steph mumbles something. Sweeney looks confused. Steph pulls down his lip and the coach starts, then leans in to look at Steph's teeth.

"It appears as though Sagamore has chipped a tooth," The TV announcer has gained his composure, the other one snorts a laugh.

"What's he doing?" Steph is looking around off the stage. He's handed a towel, and he's got it up to his teeth, holding ice to his lip, which is now bleeding.


"What inclined your program to pick Sagamore first out of your choices? His placement was originally supposed to be twenty-four, but you picked him seventh,"

"We've had our eyes on Steph for a long time through his OHL experience, and he showed us during the combine that he's easily coachable and a friend to everyone."

"So his original placement didn't faze your program?"

"No, not at all. Some of the guys on the team have been on teams and in camps with him and all we've heard is positive things. There's not a person out there that doesn't like him, he's quite literally the nicest young man I've ever met. Steph might not be the biggest or the fastest on the ice, but he definitely shows us the most wholehearted potential."

"So you figured you'd pick him on that?"

"Figured we'd pick him first because as we saw even tonight when Steph Sagamore gets knocked down, he doesn't stay down, he gets back up with a smile. He lives and breathes the sport and he loves every second of it. A lot of pros overlook how lucky they are and get too heated about everything, Steph is happy to just play. He'll be an amazing grounding force for the team and a morale booster for everyone."

"Sounds like he's going to be a great addition to your program."

"We're sure of it."

"You waved me over?" Steph shows up, the hat still too low over his eyes.

"Yes," his new coach says. Steph looks around.

"Sagamore, how are you feeling right now?" Steph takes a big breath, running his hand through his hair and putting his hat back on.

"Out of my mind." He smiles. "I really, it's insane. I woke up years ago and decided that I loved hockey and I wanted to run with it as hard as I could. I never thought I'd make it here."

"You took a pretty big spill there, how's the tooth?"
"Mom was always relieved that we had to wear cages for the teeth and stuff, she said it wouldn't look good on me to have a hockey smile, but well, I did it anyway." He pulls down his bottom lip and shows us the chipped tooth.

"What an interesting way to enter the pros."

"It hasn't even really registered with me yet," He grins again. "I doubt it ever really will. I'm just that kid from Maine who really liked a sport, but hey, I'm here now and I'm going to make the best of it."

"Well, good luck with it all."

"Thanks!" Except the S whistles when he says it. 

Oh how much can change in five years


For those of you coming from Post Olympic, welcome back boys. For those of you who are new, trust me, you don't have to read Post Olympic to understand this, but hey, welcome!

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