Chapter 15: Tetanus

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EDIT MAY 20th 2024 - language adjustment. (note at bottom)

uh alright. 

spoonful - grizfolk




"I just did that, didn't I." I flop onto the couch at home, staring at the ceiling. Jilly leans over me.

"What did you do? You've been repeating that sentence for like ten minutes and I want to know."

"I gave her my number." I squeak.

"You what?"

"I put it below the tree."

"Oh lord." Jilly sighs. "You're so lovesick it's painful to be around you."

"I so am," I whisper, mostly to myself. "She's just, oh my god, like I don't know? I've never been like this over someone, I guess Morgan, but this is definitely way more, more I don't know, but, ah, and I can't tell if it's just how damn beautiful she is or if it's because it's fate or whatever, I don't really believe in fate but I believe in her and I think that's close enough."

"Can I quote that."

"No. I'm going to sew it." I stand up, rather shakily and wander into the back room.

"You don't have any sewing stuff though."

"Yeah I do, Mom sent me some in her 'good luck living on your own' survival kit."

"Yeah, but Steph, there's a difference between sewing and embroidery."

"Mom doesn't know that." I wink at her and disappear into my room, coming back with the little tin of stuff.

"This is going to be hilarious." Jilly sighs. I set it at the table then enter the kitchen, trying to think of anything at all to cook.

An hour later, my phone goes off. I've got a needle and a pillowcase in hand, so the noise makes me yelp and stab my finger. Jilly did the outline of the words in marker on the case so that it washes out and all that's left is my bad sewing skills.

"Is it her?" She leans over her math homework. The phone is face down on the table and we both just stare at it for a minute.


Jilly gets sick of staring and flips it over, turning it on. Unknown number. My heart rate is at a dangerous level.

"Well, what does it say?"

"I don't want to read it."

"You're staring at it."

"Doesn't mean I'm reading it."

"Oh my god, you play an intense high contact sport for your job, suck it the hell up."

"Language." I mumble, then I do read it.

Unknown: Hey, this is Steph, yeah?

"She's just checking to make sure it's me." I mumble.

"Well, then what in the name of Bobby Orr are you waiting for!" She picks up the phone and opens it. I swat it away from her, only poking myself further with the needle.

"Ow, fuck." I swear and lift my finger to my mouth, sucking on the pinprick.

"Just respond," She slides the phone back to me and I stare down at it. "Steph."

"Alright, alright, what do I say?"

"I don't know! Anything affirmative."

"Yeah, that's me? Or," I type out a message but my hands sweat. She grabs it from my hands to read.

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