Chapter 29: So You Totally F*cked Him

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my mom has been asking me to give her a wattpad account so she can read my stuff. I don't know how I'm going to manage to delete all the sex out of this book before she reads it because this is only the beginning...




"So you totally fucked him." Gabby is sprawled across my couch, I'm standing on the carpet. It's Saturday afternoon, Steph had to go to hockey practice and told me he would call when he was done, then Gabby showed up about four seconds after he left.

"Yeah, yeah."

"That quick, huh? Date five?"

"Alright, I know, we rushed like hell. Date wise. I've spent like two full weeks of time with this guy already. Plus, it's not like sex is a huge deal. It's not like I'm only with him for that. It's not like I've never had sex before. And that definitely wasn't his first time. It's just a thing that we did." She seems confused. "For both of us, sex just feels like a thing that happens, I hated it for a really long time because of Garrett and something about the way he acts tells me that someone ruined the sanctity of it for him too. It wasn't a benchmark in our relationship, not like a big achievement, both of us seem numb to the idea of meaningful sex."

She nods like she wants me to keep talking, so I fill the space.

"Jeez, so he feels right. I don't know? He just clicked with me. So what I haven't been with him that long? I feel like I know him. He's gentle and he's really nice and he's a goddamn angel with Jilly. So what we've been together for only about a month. Sex isn't a huge deal." I run my hands through my hair. "I know the whole 'special' part of sex was ruined for me years ago. The way he's been acting, it's been ruined for him too. First times don't seem to matter to us, that's just how that worked."

"Alright, alright." She laughs. "So you had sex with him. How did it go?"

"Uh," I blush, "good?"

"Jesus, August, all that lead up and no game?"

"No!" I laugh. "No, he's good. And he's fucking strong. You've only ever seen all that with a shirt on."

She leans forward. "And?"

"Yeah, he doesn't have a cuddly body type, but fuck." I raise my hands in surrender. "I don't know how he possibly has the time to go to the gym. I really don't know."

"Like that?"

"Like that." I nod. "Arms and chest are just a glimpse of what he's got in leg. I know it's not where you would expect a guy to be strong, mostly because guys go to the gym for arms and shit, but oh my god. It's that crazy shit. It's like pro-dancer legs. I don't understand how it's possible, but he's, he-"

"He looks like a serious athlete." She bites back a grin. "Holy jackpot am I right? Tell me more, come on, girly, you're blushy."

"Uh, he's, I don't know, it was soft." 

"His dick?"

I feel myself flame red. "No!" 

"The sex?"

"Yeah, it was soft."

"And you were into that?"

I roll my eyes at her. "Yes, it was amazing. It was soft and god he's gentle all over. It's like he knew. It really feels like he just knows."

"About Garrett?"

"Yeah, about Garrett. It's like he can sense it, that I hate having to think about all that and I generally hate sex," I feel myself blushing harder, "but, I, he, he erased that."

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