Chapter 28 - Hockey's Take on Ballet

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i literally can't believe it's almost June

for reference, this is the next weekend

okay, hold on, 

MUSIC FOR THIS CHAPTER: house key by Scott Helman




"Steph, hey, what's up." I mumble a bit into the phone and I hear him laugh on the other side.

"You're going to ask me something," He chuckles, "that's your I'm-about-to-ask-him-something-scandalous tone of voice."

"Yeah," I laugh, "do you want to come over? Tonight?"

"Now?" He asks.

"Uh, no, I was thinking after dinner, I wanted to try to teach you some ballet." I'm a bit sheepish because that was only the beginning of the plan.

"And you're being quiet over there because you want me to stay over?" He's sly with that.

"Shush." I snort.

"You want to finish last weekend." He suggests.

"I won't cockblock you unless the house is burning down." I hear Jilly holler from the back.

"Jilly!" Steph and I both say at the same time.

"I know I did." She giggles.

"Oh, get back here," I hear a thundering of feet and I know Steph is chasing her around.

"Hey, hey!" She yells, laughing.

"Call me if anything happens." Steph laughs. "Forget that issue, I'm still worried about leaving you home alone."

"Steph I'm almost fifteen, I'll be fine."

"That's the problem, fifteen year olds get into trouble." I hear Jilly laugh on the other side. "Alright, Aug, I'll be over in an hour."

He stays to his word, and I get a knock an hour later. Steph is outside my door, looking like a fool in a heavy jacket and joggers.

"Come in," I step aside and he enters my little apartment. It's not much, but I think it's cute. He's got a backpack on, and he drops it by his shoes.

"So you're going to teach me to dance?" He says. "Why?"

"Because I think it would be cute." I respond. He pulls off his jacket and hangs it next to mine.

"Me and dancing have never really met," He chuckles.

"I have a hard time believing that you'll be bad at it." I giggle a bit. 

"Hmm, we'll see."

"Do you have good balance?" I take him by the hand and lead him to a back staircase that descends right into the studio. I rely on the LED color lights around the mirror room to show us our way.

"Yeah, I have okay balance, but I'm in no way graceful." He shrugs, "I'm a contact sports guy."

"I know you are." I loop my hands around his fingers. "Okay, first, look at my feet." He matches my position, not exactly, but close enough. "Now, like this." I walk him through basic stuff, and it's cute to watch him try.

"if you injure me, it's a liability issue." he laughs, "and I'm not kidding."

"I won't injure you." 

I tell him to do a couple more things before noticing some minor details about him that just Don't Make Sense. 

"I'm really concerned," I come up close to him, adjusting his arms and getting him ready for a small leap.

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