Chapter 43: *Sagamore

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Okay alright, I'm sorry in advance

also like, thank you guys for being so awesome? i post a chapter an in like 20 minutes I have 10 more reads, it's absolutely mind boggling




"Alright," he wanders out of his room, full suit, and-

"Are you wearing a beanie?" I start laughing right off the bat.

"Hell yeah."

"Stephan," I giggle. "You look ridiculous."

"God, I know," He leans over and kisses my head. "I'll be back a little on the late side, the guys want to go out for dinner after, but I'll try to slip away." He ruffles my hair.

"Good luck, crowd shy," I hop off his couch and kiss him for real, my hands on his chest on his suit. "Why are you wearing a suit?"

"Tradition," he sighs. "Kiss me again for good luck," so I do. "Alright, I'll be back," he kisses my head. "Hold down the fort."

"Good luck!" He winks at me and closes the door.

Two hours later I'm flipping through channels on his TV.

This Old House

National Geographic










God, is everything on ice hockey? No, it's probably just because he likes hockey.

So I stay watching, and I don't like it.

"SAGAMORE PASS TO VON ALBRECHT, VON ALBRECHT OFF THE BOARDS TO REX, REX BACK TO SAGAMORE, SAGAMORE WITH A SHOT." God, why are they so loud? "GLOVE SAVE BY GAVETT, WHAT A SAVVVEEE!!!!!" it zooms in on the ice, following the back of a jersey that says Sagamore. He turns his head to the side but I can't really see well through the cage.

Their jerseys are pretty, I mean, the grey is kind of a weird shade. Kind of reminds me of a graveyard. But that grey and the deepish blue together, it works well.

I definitely shouldn't be immediately captivated by what's happening on the screen. It's the Wolves against the Oilers, as it says on the score thing up in the top corner: 2-2. I guess I'm only interested because of how quickly everything is moving, my attention span is withheld by the action.

"Williams takes the drop and charges to the right-"

"Ohhhhh! Sharp hit by Williams on Hansen, a pass to Novallo and that's a turnover. The Oilers take it back down into the offensive zone with Novallo holding the puck on the right side. A short pass to Hansen and a turnover to Logalli on the Wolves, Logalli up to Williams and a defensive shift change for the Wolves."

I watch players leap the boards, two new guys in the defensive zone, moving up to the center of the ice to keep tabs on the offensive work.

I'll have to ask Steph to teach me some of this because I feel like I've been a shitty girlfriend to him now. I only just realized that he spends a lot of time offhandedly talking about hockey and wishing that someone gets it. I should pay more attention to his hobbies.

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