Chapter 14

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Adrian pov

"What have you been up lately DRI." Brandon said.

"Nothing much. What about you."

I said looking at him with curiosity to see where he was going with the conversation.

"You know same thing. But I'm dating this fine ass looking girl name Nicole man let me tell you she is great especially in that bed.

Oh god.

"How long?"

"Only 7 weeks"

And she already fucked you she's a thot nigga. I wanted to say that so badly but it's non of my business.

"I got me a girl to."

"I thought you said you would never date anymore."

"Well she made me change my mind, man she's just so different from all this girls she makes me feel ways I've never felt with before not even with Tiffany. She is just what I need I think I love her."

"Lawd. What if she is just like Tiffany she's just hiding it, what if she just wants your money."

"She's nothing like Tiffany so don't compare them! And she's not after my money its obvious she's just so upright, pertinacious , self-effacing , priceless, percipient, and so exquisite."

"Wow, you are really cuffed dude. Have you hit it."

"No I'm waiting till she's ready I don't care how long it takes I just want to be with her."

"How long have y'all been seeing each other."

"I asked her to be my significant other yesterday. But we've been talking or should I say arguing for a month now ."

"And you never fucking told me man!"

"I got caught up with stuff okay. Now less talking about me and my lover I gotta get back to work I'm picking her up from work."

"Iight. Iight I see you my nigga."

He chuckled to himself and walked out my office. I laughed to myself and got back to work. I miss her already I can't wait to go home.


I looked at my watch and notice it was 10 :59 oh shit I'm late she's going to be vexed with me tonight I was suppose to pick her up at 6 o'clock. I grabbed my suitcase and walked out my office.

"Heather if someone calls me tell them I'm not her and for them to contact me tomorrow and if its important tell them to call me on my phone."

"Okay Mr. Parker. Have a nice day."

I got inside my car and drove off to pick Bianca. The road was wet from all the rain.


I saw her standing outside with wet clothing's on. Her head down with those pretty curls which was also wet, how long have she been standing out her .I think she thought I forgot about her.

I drove up to the area she was standing and walked out the car to open the door for her. She looked at me with fuming eyes for a moment then got inside the car.

I knew this was going to happen. I got inside the car and sat down and looked at her, she was looking out the window not me.

"I'm sorry B. I got caught up with work."

"Mhmh, it's fine can you drive my heads hurting. And im tierd."

"Yea uh sure."

"What can I do to make it up to you baby."

The shy girl and Mr.CEO (bwwm) (Interracial) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now