Chapter 33

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It's been a month since I've been out the hospital Adrian still baby's me. Every time I tell him that I'm fine. He doesn't listen. I have a couple migraines here and there. But they don't last long which is a good thing And I have nightmares almost every night. Adrine doesn't want me returning to work yet he said that I'm not ready since I've been getting those migraines. And nightmares ,I might get fired on my first nursing job because of him. I've graduated the class I was working online on. I wanted to be a doctor but I went for a nurse instead.

They found the man that almost killed me and he came out clean from Adrian's torturing. And then they had put him in prison for 40 years. Every since Adrian torture that man his been a little different. I tried talking to him trying to know what the problem is but he doesn't want to tell me, he always saying it's nothing. I stopped asking him because I don't want him to get aggravated By me.

Right now I'm at a family dinner Adrian's family and my grandma and grandpa the table was full of talking and laughters.

I was talking to Adrian's sister Stiffany when my grandma tapped my arm I looked at her smiling from ear to ear then I looked at where she was looking at. Adrian was on one knee with a small box in his hand, a smiled spread across my face and looked at him then the box.

"Bianca I live day after day thinking about you. I can't sleep without you being by my side. I'm contented to know that I fail in love with a beautiful, Smart, Caring and lighthearted woman. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you with the bottom of my heart. Bianca Mendoza would you do the honors of being my wife and becoming Mrs. Parker. Throughout our ups and downs in our life and forever" he was smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes.. Yes I will"

I said as tears started rolling down my cheek. Adrian put the ring on my finger then picked me up and spun me around as he kiss away my tears away. He then kissed me off guard. The kiss started getting out of control so I break the kiss and hug him.

"I love you Bianca Parker ." He whispered softly.

"And I love you even more Andrian Parker

I looked around the room to see everyone looking so joyful.

"I'm proud of you son." his father said With huge smile on his face.

2 minutes later into dessert
Adrian's father stood up to say something he cling his glass and everyone got quiet.

"I'm really happy that everyone could make it today. And not be working like they usually are doing." he announced and every one laughed.

"This dinner is a special dinner. To having New family member's. To us sticking together even from our good days and bad days. I'm proud to say that I'm happy Bianca had came into this family making me change my view point of other. I'm happy that you are the one that had took my sons heart and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Now all I'm waiting for is Adrian to get out his young years and marry this wonderful girl he has on his hands."

I looked at Adrian to see him smiling up to his dad and every one else just chuckles.

"To New family members and New marrigaes."

I smiled and raise my glass of white wine and drunk it.

The rest of the evening everyone Sat in the living room and talked. Adrian's oldest sister Fransica was being really nice from the first time I met her. Although the conversation she was talking to me about wasn't interesting.

Every now and then I took a glance at Adrian to find him already looking my way with a smirk on his face. I was blushing so much right now because I know what he was thing And I was thinking the same thing around all these people which was the embarrassing part.

I looked at him once more he licked his lips making me wet down there. I needed to get out of here before I lose control. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror then looked down at the beautiful ring in my finger which brought a smile to my face.

While fixing my lipstick there was a knock on the door.

"Somebody's in her."

The person knocked again I put my lipstick on my wallet and open the door so I can leave but got pushed back inside the bathroom. By the touch of his hands I knew who it was.

"What are you doing." I said as I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Well I came to see my fiance."

"Really is that it. " I asked as I drop kisses down his neck.

"It was but since you got other pla_"

I kissed his lips ever so softly to shut him up. He was surprised but nonetheless he went along with it. My hands made their way to his hair making him groan at the process he grabbed my behind. Which made me jump. I could feel the smirk on his face as we kiss. I broke the kiss to get my breathing right and He continue as he trail kisses down my neck. He caught my lips again as He slid one hand down my dress and move my underwear to the side and rub my clit. I let out a low moan since we we're still at his parents house I didn't want anyone hearing us. He slid on finger in and thumped it in my vagina back and forth. I squirmed at how good it felt I couldn't stand up anymore my legs got wobbly and he notice that then picked me up and put me over the counter. Capturing my lips again.

"Babe.. Lets.. Wait till we get home." I said in between kisses. He groan. But stop anyways.

"Don't think I won't finish this when we arrived home." he smirk then pecked my lips. I peck his once more then look into his beautiful eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you more." he pecked my lips one more time.

"We gotta go we keeping everyone waiting." I said as I fixed myself and get down the counter.

"Yeah your right. By the way the ring looks great on you beautiful. "

"Thanks to the wonderful man that bought it."

"You deserved it."

"Where we're you too." Adrian's mother asked .

"I was showing Bianca my room." he said as he licked his finger. Oh my God I looked away really embarrassed now.

"Mhm."his father hummed looking at the both of us

"Mom, dad. Me And Bianca will be heading off now I had a great time but it's getting late."

"None since why don't you sleep over then." his mother asked.

"We got somewhere to be tomorrow morning." I answered

"Well then I hope You both can come back tomorrow afternoon"

"Will see. Bye everyone."


"I'll walk you out the door brother." Tristan said as he got off his seat.

Adrian shook his head no but his brother doesn't listen. We walked to the car. Tristan opened the door for me to enter the car. I said my thank you. And got inside .

"Anything for a beautiful woman." he said. With a smirk.

"Stop flirting with my fiance and get your ass back inside the house."

I laughed and watch as them two argue.

"Okay bye Tristan." Adrian said as he get inside the car.

"If my brother don't give it to you right I'm always here"

Adrian looked at his brother in disgust and was about to run him over but his brother moved out on time. I looked at Adrian like he had grown two heads.

"What if you had hit him Adrian are you crazy."

I looked back to see his brother hard down laughing. I shook my head because they are so ducking retarded. Then I look back list Adrian who had a smile on his face. I swear they are retarded.

The shy girl and Mr.CEO (bwwm) (Interracial) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now