Chapter 37

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Me and Bianca. Had told my family and her grandparents that the wedding would be in Hawaii. My dad decided to pay for everyone's tickets even though I told him I would pay for that. Today is the 2nd of July and me And Bianca is packing for Hawaii.

She's been throwing up a lot we talked about going to the doctor but she didn't want to. She told me that this happened before. And that the doctor told her it's because she thinking to much. Her favorite foods she can't eat because it makes her nausea. The only thing she ate today was oranges and a chicken salad, Which she threw up. I told her that we should postpon the wedding but she disagree.

"Hey baby I'm going out to get something to eat before we go do you want anything to eat since you haven't eaten any real food yet."

"I don't want to eat anything cause if I do I'm gonna throw it all up anyways."

"You need to eat something Bianca."

"Okay fine you can buy pizza. Buy some fries with two burgers. And some Beijing chicken " cause that's what I feel like eating right now."

"Woo. I know I said you need to eat but don't you think that's a lot ."

"No. I haven't been eating. My stomach hurts and I have cramps so the food will do. Just get the pizza and the fries take out the the other things oh can also get me twix ice cream."


I grabbed a hot pad and put it on top of her leg since she has cramps on her legs.

"Okay I'll be right back." I told her.

I grabbed my key walk out the do or and into My car. I drove to pizza hut first then I'm going to drive to MacDonald and then to Publix. I need to hurry up so I get back home early We are living for Hawaii at 12. And right now it is 9.

On my way to Publix I received a phone call. I looked at the name and notice that its my mom.


"Hey son your dad wanted me to tell you that he paid for the hotel rooms too."

"Mom I told him not to do it. I can handle myself and my wedding."

"Adrian its okay to get a little him here and there. Since he pay for the hotel you could use the rest of the money for your honeymoon in Hawaii."

"Fine how much was it."

"Four hundred dollars. You don't have to repay him."

"Fine but tell dad I can handle myself. And the wedding."

"Bye Adrian."

"Mom I'm seroius " she didn't say anything but just hang up. I parked my car and walk to Publix. Made my way to the ice isle and checked for the twix, I picked the small little box of ice cream and walked to the woman area to grab that stick that my sister had bought when she was pregnant.

Their were so many of them I didn't know which one to choose. Ugh fuck it. I grabbed the one with the pink and white box. I made my way to the cashier she looked at me weirdly and I look at her with a confused face, I then remember what I got.

"My wife might be pregnant."

She smiled and I paid for the items and walk out.. When I arrived home I found Bianca sleeping on the bed snuggled up to the blanket with a pillow under her stomach. I didn't want to wake her up but she needs to eat and take this test.

"Bianca baby wake up."

"No. I'm to tired ."

"Please. I brought the ice cream."

She got up slowly with a messy head, her hair was all over the place. I chuckled at her then handed her the pizza.

"You need to get something else before eating the ice cream"

"Ugh fine."

We sat on the bed watch tv and ate our pizza and I gave her the fries. She drunk a cup of strawberry smoothie. And she ate the ice creams that I had bought but not all 8 of them.

"Are you better now."

"Yup. Thanks ."

"Your welcome. B did you ever think otherwise with all the throwing up."

She looked at me confused. And I roll my eyes and continue.

"Like maybe your pregnant."

"No, No. I had my period last week so I know I'm not."

"Well can you at least check."

She sigh then aggered "Okay."

She took the test and we waited for 5 minutes so it could be determined.

"It will say positive what do you think."


"Come on stop having negative thoughts."

"I hope it's just a stomach bug because if I'm pregnant I'm gonna keep on throwing up even on the wedding day and I don't want to postpon the wedding ."

"Think of the positive things not the negative things."

I hope it says positive I'm ready to be a father. It'll be nice seeing Bianca with a baby in her abdomen.

"Okay five mins is up are you ready to be a parent baby." I asked her because she wasn't happy about this.

"No. It's to soon. I just started my New job. I'm not ready Adrian."

"Bianca it's okay. I'll be with you every step of the way okay babe."

She smiled a small smile and nodded her head. "When we look at that stick nothing changes. But just you pregnant okay"

"What if I'm not pregnant."

"Babe please stop with this IFS."

We both made our way to the bathroom." In the count of three okay" I nodded my head. And she started.

"3." she simply said I looked at her. Because she didn't even say 1 or 2

"Don't you know how to count."

"Do you want to see the results ."

I stay shut and then we both looked at the pregnancy stick.

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