Chapter XXXVIII. Commanding Wife !!

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Mia Pov

I strolled in the park, and i feel much relaxed and composed my thoughts, now i feel much energetic. Katty called me telling everthing is going on smoothly, and she even told me this unusual thing that a handicapped man came asking for my whereabouts, upon asking further she said he was somewhat weird in behaviour, he said he met me in an Event or something, but i cant recall any such man, so for time being i decided to keep it aside, once i get back i will check into it and informed her not to give my info to any stranger. I hung up the call saying am heading to room.

As i reached my cottage back nathan and adam was doing something on sofa, so I wont disturbe them, went have some water from refridgerator, as i was bent to take water bottle, i felt a presence behind me, and i instantly froze, i know who it is... i gulped in and slowely turned around and saw Adam was blocking my way. He just trapped me in between the refridgerator and himself, i dont know what to do so i just stared at him. He bent down, and i thought that he was about to kiss me , but he moved towards my ears,and placed his head in crook of my neck and smelled me. As if a Lion smelling its food, Whats going on .... (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)

" Ad..Adam, What is it "I tried to catch his attention but to no avail.

Silence After an minute later I tried again I parted my lips to say something...

"Shhhhhhhhhh," he put his finger on my lips.

"Let me hug you for while, i miss you" and just like that he took me into his embrace i just stood frozen to spot, after some time a sigh left his lips, he said in disappointment.

"Mia" thats it and left me standing in kitchen he went out off cottage, he seems uspset why, i haven't done anything today. After me and nathan had lunch and went out again, near the activity area where other families were participating in games, todays game was same as yesterdays but today there is 1more game that is each husband will eat as many chilly's as he can for his wife and whichever couple won, will get a price.

Everybody was crowding near the stage to put their names in participants list, but i just don't bother, i sat there alone and watching people, Adam came towards me and sat besides me.

"Hi Adam, had lunch?" he smiled and nodded hhmm today he is little bit off and not talking much.

"Adiiiii, i have put your name in the participants list" Evelin came and said, whats with the girl.

"Eveee i am not in mood today please, delete my name"

"Whaaaat no way please you have to do this for me please Adiiii" as she was requesting Adam, the announcement made was the game of chilly's and unfortunately Adam's name was called for.

NO Chillies, that to spicy chillies Adam+chillies=BIG DANGER NONONO he cant do that, while i was in my thoughts that stupid girl pulled him towards the stage, i can see that Adam was not in the mood to play, he was not feeling well, ohh my he is not feeling well yes, this morning his temperture was warm, i missed it in morning but now i remember when he blow the air near my ears it was hot. May be he was having fever ohh god. I looked towards the stage the game was about to begin and a bowl of Chillies were placed infront of each participant. As the anchor blow the whistle to start game the man besides Adam, started eating chilies like they were carrot, but on the other hand Adam just stared at the bowl and on forcing from Evelin he picked 1 chilly. 'Nononononono Adam it will harm you' he was about to put that chilly in his mouth.

"ADAM DON'T " someone yelled, and for moment everything freezed, then everyone turned towards me, then i recognised the voice was came from my Vocal Chord, so i did one thing which is i marched towards the stage and pulled adam from his seat, and took him with me... Everybody was staring at me but i never stopped, i glanced towards martha and as usual she was giving me her amused look so i just i gnored her and pulled Adam with me, went towards the cottage, everyone including evelin too followed us.

"Seat ! Dont you dare move from here" i made Adam to seat on the bed and went to fetch First aid kit from my bag which i carry every where for Nathan ofcourse, Adam obeyed and sat quietly,

"Whats all this haa?" Evellin barged in shouting i ignored her and placed thermometer near Adam's armpit, to check temperature,

" Do you having headache too?" I ask which he replied with simple nod, so i went to get a glass of water for him. Evelin was complaining in the background, why i did that stunt Yayayaya, but i just ignored her my priority is to comfort Adam first. meanwhile i checked the temperature indeed he was having fever. I was pulled by my arms as i turnd Evelin was standing infront of me with angry look on her face. Adam was about to move from bed but i stopped him.

"Do not move you have temperature Stay where you are" I gave him one of my glare which i use on nathan when i want to, i dont think it will work on Adam though, but surprisingly he obeyed and then i turned towards this blabbering ball.

"Miss Evelin, right? you know you say you are his Best childhood friend, but dont you know a single basic thing that his system don't allow him to have spicy food, and there you made him eat chillies for a stupid price, and now he is not feeling well, how he is suppose to play that stupid game haa?".


No one dare say a word and when i turned towards Adam he was smilling whats with this man he is having fever and yet he is smiling, i cant understand this man's thinking process...

I told everyone to go out of room, and asked Mike to call his family doctor to ask whether there is any special care we have to take, on which he offered to come here, Great now that weird Cousin / Dr also coming, after a while Evelin came in i just let her, she sat on bed near Adam, and said.

"I am sorry Adiii,i didnt know, its just that we are meeting after so long i forgot the spice thing, about you sorry" Adam just nodded, he wanted to say something but due to cold his throat also paining, so he just stared at me. I went near him and asked him what is it he just blinked and glanced towards evelin.

"Hmm Evelin its ok, he want to say" Evelin looked at me and then at Adam he nodded,

"Do you need anything i will stay here with you if you want" On that statement Adam just took my hand in his and patted it with other hand.

"No need Evelin he is fine and am here to take care" Evelin seems little bit disappointed but she agreed and bent down to place kiss on Adam, but Adam squeezed my hand telling me to not allow her to do that.

" Emm Evelin please let him rest," I said on which she paused and looked at me and smiled,then she walked towards door to leave but she turned back.

"I must say Mia, you are one caring as well as commanding wife" and she left i glanced towards Adam he was already looking at me mischief dancing in his eyes...

In the morning I woke up with a coughing sound and as soon as i opened my eyes i saw Adam was speaking on phone, which made me so angry i wanted to break his phone, i stood up from the sofa and barged outside the room. I called Mike and asked to come in the room.

" Mike this is his phone burnit, bury it or throw it, i dont care but untill he recovers i dont want this near him!understood?" i handed Adam's phone to mike but mike hesitated, and kept glancing between me and Adam by his looks he was some what afraid, so i huff and take his phone and placed it in my bag instead.

"Adam you will get this after you are fully recovered am i clear?" i asked popping my eyebrow up, he just smiled and nodded, so i went out to prepare something for him to eat meanswhile his cousin Dr.Danny came, i prepared some vegetable soup for him, and dinner for everyone.

"Adam, please will you seatup so will serve you soup." when he put the spoon in his mouth he denied to have it anymore, not because it is not good but his taste buds are spoiled due to fever and cold cough. So i did one trick which i use on nathan. i asked martha to bring honey, and made adam to have it, it improved his taste bud a little bit, and thank fully he finished his dinner, had mediciine and slept that night peacefully.

Hey my lovely readers another update,Sorry there is some problem with my account now it resolved so here it is, let me know and do Vote and do share your thoughts. Happy Reading

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