Chapter XVI. Support Son

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Mia Pov

"Adam will you attend my drawing competition?  please!!!"
Nathan asked suddenly which made me look at nathan and then at Adam he was staring at me.

"Nathan baby no Adam is very busy person he can't do that" i tried to make him understand but on the  other hand Adam was behaving oddly, he just sat their thinking, as if considering the request and Nathan just gave a Puppy dog look towards him.

" Please Adam only for few hours cant you consider it pleeeeease!!" Nathan kept requesting him and i was sure that Adam will refuse him, I mean think about it how could he the business tycoon of country who deals with millions in a day will consider attending a ini-mini drawing competition i mean haha not possible so i just sat relaxed and ate my breakfast, but my relaxation was short lived and the next thing that happened was a big shock for me.

"Okay  I will attend it with you" Adams stated and I just shocked i must have looked like a cartoon in that moment because my jaws dropped open my eyebrows furrowed up and my eyes wide. Do i hear right? The Adam Gilbert busiest man ever the Lion King just agreed to little mouse like Nathan, this is joke of the year.

" Ahem Adam, you dont have to do that it is just a drawing competition you dont have to take time from your busy schedule" i tried to control situation.

"No problem Mia i love to attend it, and i will get some quality time to spend with you both" Adam Said which made me completely at loss of words.

"yeeeeeppppppy !!!! THANKS ADAM" Nathan jumped up and down on his chair excitedly, which made me stop arguing further nathan is happy, afterall  he is geting along with someone other than me and martha, so i just kept quiet let it slide this time.

" Baby whats with you calling Adam by his name he is not of your age you should respect him call him uncle ok" i reprimanded him.

"But mommy he is my buddy i can call him by his name right adam?" Adam just smiled at him and ruffled his hair and said

" It's ok Mia, everything is fair in friendship " whats with this man all supporting him its as if they both  ganging up against me so i voiced my objection.

"ya right!! and whats with you both upto are you both teaming up against me ? hmm, and if you are you wont win against me Huh AM THE BEST " i said

" hmm YES I AGREE WITH YOU ON THAT, YOU ARE ALLROUNDER MIA" Adam said which made me blush again what is he doing to me. Hence it was decided that Adam will be attending drawing competiton with us. As Adam made his way to leave nathan stopped him.

"Adam wait for me" being said that he took off upstairs, he came running down after a while and gave adam his cell phone and asked him to put his number in it and gave him a small envelop too though i dont know what was that envelop contain, but i wont gave much thought to it he must have given his drawing or something to adam. I just see off him till the door and remember the clothes i kept in the bag, i fetch the bag and carried it to him.

"Adam your clothes it is dried and i ironed them for you" I said

" Just keep it here Mia it will come handy for me next time" he said and drove off smiling what did he mean next time........
This Man i tell you he... he always has upper hand and you say he wont flirt, look at him ohh ask me he is walking flirt stick...urghhhhhhhhhhh

I headed inside and the maintenance people had already fixed the new unit in bathroom. I thanked the team and they went their way.

I texted Adam thanks
" Mommy I like Adam he is Good" he is good , he is good indeed he is good I went back to my room and sat on my bed he is really good, caring well mannered though sometimes flirty but that's ok, but questions is can I spent my life with him, a new life just three of us, but what about my past what about nathan's truth will he accept me knowing that nathan is not my son I mean though I am his birth mother but I done it for money will he think that am a gold digger? What will he think about my character... May be I should keep this whatever going on just like that may be we can be friends...

Poor Mia she is confused about her feelings towards Adam... But you never know Love has its own ways it will definitely enter her life... Keeping reading and please vote Happy Reading

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