Chapter 37

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Yibo wakes up abruptly from his sleep. Surprise! He touches his face and looks at his skin. He rubs his chest and takes a deep breath.

"Holly cow...! I thought it was real..! If I really turn into an ugly green alien, shou shou not only won't like me anymore, but he will scared of me... Thank God..." He mumbles.

Someone knocking at the door.

"Hey, Kiddo,! Breakfast time!" Sandy pops her head up from the ajar opened door.

"Yeah... Thanks!" Yibo smiles sheepishly.

Sandy walks in holding a tray with a bowl of porridge and cut you tiao. She placed the tray on Yibo's bed after he pulls out the stand.

"Let me see your wound first..?" Sandy peers the bandage that wrapped around Yibo's leg. Then she says, " Need to clean up and put new antiseptic. You eat while I'm taking my equipment!' she closes back the wrapper.

Yibo nods. He picks up the spoon and stars scooping the porridge with youtiao and eat. Sandy gets out of the room to collect some medical tools to treat Yibo's wound.

Sandy comes back with the medical equipment bag and a basin of warm water that mixed with antiseptic liquid. She place the basin on the nightstand then rummages into her bag.

Yibo has finished his porridge. So Sandy moves the tray into the study table. Then she unwraps the bandage completely and begins to treat Yibo's injury. Yibo hisses to the pain when Sandy presses the warmed cloth on his scratches injury. Then she puts some ointment on to it. After that she wraps them back with a clean bandage. She takes some pills.

"You have to take this to make your injury recovers soon. Apply this ointment two times a day after you clean it up. And this one to prevent the fever. And I'll give you some antibiotic that you have to finish them all in 7 days!" Sandy rambling.

"Yikes! I don't like to take medicine..! " Yibo whines.

Sandy glancing at him and shakes her head.

"Xiao Zhan must be loves you so much until he can takes all you childish and weird behaviour..." Sandy mumbles, loud enough for Yibo to hear.

"Why do you say that?" Yibo scowls.

"Ann told me what happened between you and Xiao Zhan..!" Says Sandy, repack her things to be in order. She throws the water inside the basin to the bathroom.

"How old according to you that girl?" Sandy asks.

"Which girl?" Yibo doesn't understand.

"The one who flirting with Xiao Zhan last night."

"Ahh... Well... I think..." Yibo looks thinking of something. He puts his finger under his chin, mouth pouting. "Forty!" Yibo cries.

"Forty? Four zero?" Sandy dumbfounded.

"Ye-yeah... She's forty, I think!" Yibo nods his head.

Sandy sighs and face palming herself.

"Yibo... She's an aunty already... " Sandy sighs.

"But she's still beautiful and has a good body. And... And she flirts with my Zhan Zhan...!" Yibo lowers his gaze with face blushing.

"Yibo... No matter what, you have to trust Xiao Zhan loves you so much. As long as I know him, he's not kind of a guy who likes to playing around with random people. Or girl. I heard from Ann that he kept changing the partners in the past, because he never feel right about his partners. That time when he was in denial that he actually is a gay. He came from a family who againsts the homosexuality, of course he didn't want to admit that he is  one of them. But after he met you, he has you... I could see how much the courage he got to come out and tell everyone that he is gay. He even came out to his family, right?"

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