Chapter 31

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Yibo and Xiao Zhan are in a Korean restaurant. Xiao Zhan is feeding Mian Mian, when his phone that he puts on the table buzzing. Yibo who is enjoying his ramen putting his chopstick down to see the incoming message, when Xiao Zhan looks at the phone then to him without any intention to pick the phone up. He unlock the device and read the message sender.

"From Li," Yibo glances at Xiao Zhan.

"What did he say?" Xiao Zhan asks.

Yibo opens the message and read it.

"He'll be coming back at 11 or 12 to collect Mian Mian..!" Yibo looks up at Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan sighs.

"Ask him, does he bring the car or the bike?" Xiao Zhan orders.

Yibo taps away the reply. Then he puts the phone down and picks his chopstick again and continue eating the rest of the ramen.

10 minutes passed. Li still doesn't send the reply. Xiao Zhan already finished feeding Mian Mian, and now he is taking his own dinner.

"This donkey..." Xiao Zhan mumbles and picks up his phone. Then he dials Li's number. He waits for a few rings before Li picks up the call.

"Hey, donkey! Are you riding a bike or driving a car?" Xiao Zhan scowls. His brows are furrowed. "Then leave Yifei's nice at my house. Riding the bike in the night is not good for young children like her! I'll send her home tomorrow!"

Xiao Zhan ends the call. He slips it into his pants'pocket.

"So she's staying with us for the night?" Yibo asks Xiao Zhan.

"No choice. Li is riding the bike. I can't let him puts Mian Mian in the front because the wind will blows strong into her chest. And it scared me if he puts her behind him, too!" Xiao Zhan reasoned.

"Let's go home, then! I think it's late already for Mian Mian to stay out. She looks sleepy..!" Yibo ruffles Mian Mian's hair.

Xiao Zhan nods. Yibo lifts up Mian Mian from her high chair and carries her. They walk back along the pedestrian way that never been empty.

"We're really look like a family. Right, Shou shou?" Yibo glances at Xiao Zhan.

"As you wish..." Xiao Zhan mutters.

"Oh, come on..! I know you like Mian Mian, too!" Yibo nudges Xiao Zhan.

"Even if I like her, she's not ours. She has a parents..!" Xiao Zhan replies.

"How about we adopt one child, shou shou?" Yibo gives his idea.

Xiao Zhan sighs and rolls his eyes.

"You try to take care of Mian Mian first for a night, Bo!" Says Xiao Zhan.

",Ok!" Yibo agrees.

Xiao Zhan glancing at Yibo then shakes his head.

"Can we work tonight?" Yibo looks at Xiao Zhan and grins.

"Can..." Xiao Zhan sniggers.

"Wow! It's magic! You agree very fast, shou shou!" Yibo cries.

"You can try!" Xiao Zhan snorts.

"Ah! Why suddenly our house becomes so far?" Yibo whines.

"It's only across the street, Bo..!" Xiao Zhan says.

"Shou shou... Mian Mian is sleeping..." Yibo whispers when he glances at Mian Mian who is sleeping in his arms. Head leans on Yibo's shoulder.

Xiao Zhan smiles. He stroking Mian Mian's head.

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