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*Few days later

Everyone is busy in their respective works as we're nearing the end of the month and Life is a monthly magazine. My desk is a mess to look at. Many articles are scattered around as I continued to work on the new one.

As I siped some coffee, I saw Elijah walking towards my desk. I smile at him which he returned back softly.

"How may I help you?" I asked.
"I want you to edit this article immediately. Just drop the other articles and work on this one, okay? I'm handling some other works that's why I'm counting on you" he said, giving me the papers.

"No worries, I'll do it in no time. But why so urgent?" I curiously asked, running my eyes through the printed letters.

"It's Asher Knight's interview, done by Sasha yesterday. It will go to the celebrity column of our magazine for the next whole month. He's interview will be the golden fame for this month" he said with a shine in his eyes and a energetic tone.

I, at that time, realised how much people actually admire Asher Knight. They admire his work, his talent, his fame. Unlike me, who's utterly scared of him.

'Because unlike you, they don't know the Asher you know' my inner self scoffed.

"I'll get it ready before you know it" I warmly smiled at him. He walked away after thanking me.

I look down at the papers on my hand. I distinctly remembered Sasha telling me about her big interview this week. I never got to ask about the person she was interviewing as the topic changed to something else and it slipped out of my mind.

I took a deep breath and resume my work on editing the new piece of work. As I went further and further into the article, I found myself lost and fascinated.

As I finished reading the whole article, I don't know why but I felt very small. I'd just like to vanish into the armchair or under the table.

He was indeed a perfectionist. Every single word coming out of his mouth was pointing out the elegance and confidence on it's own way.

He's an assertive man. Full of self confidence, enough to make bold statements and forceful actions. His aura itself says about his dominating personality, intimidating enough to make anyone squirm under his gaze.

As soon as I analyse the person, of which the interview was, I started comparing him with myself. A very bad habit of almost every human being; comparing own-self with others.

Mentally comparing him with me, I concluded that he was everything that I am not. He's a role model of perfection, whereas I'm clumsy and messy. He's full of confidence, whereas I start stuttering on becoming nervous. His standard is high and classy whereas I'm happy with my cozy comfortable life. He's a reserve type of person but me? Well I can tell my whole life story to a complete stranger. And don't get me started with his dominating and dangerous aura.

We are completely opposite. Like two poles of magnet

I shook the self-pity thoughts away and carry on my work. It took nearly an hour but at last the article was complete. I got up and went towards Elijah's chamber.

As I was about to open the door, it was opened by Elijah himself from the other side. I smiled at him.

"Your article is done" I handed him the papers.
"Oh thank you Felicity. I was about to come to you for the article"
"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked, noticing his behaviour.

"He's coming here. Asher Knight is coming for an conference meeting and Mr Miller ordered every HODs to be present there, with their respective works. My final report file is almost ready. I was just waiting for this article"

"What- but wh-why is he coming here?" I asked in complete shock.

"I think the main reason for the meeting is something private. All Mr Miller told us was to be present there with the monthly final report"

"Oh yes. I'm sorry to keep you here" I said.

"No problem Felicity. I'll meet you later, bye" saying this, he walked away.

After I saw him disappearing, I went straight to my desk and sat down for a minute. What private reason do my father have, that he had to call the mafia man here?

I shook my head, clearing the distracting thoughts and continued my work. Hours later, when the hour hand struck 12 at noon, I stood up and head towards the elevator for lunch.

I was too busy texting Sasha and I didn't noticed the huge man standing in front of me. As I was about to run into him, I heard him clearing his throat.

I immediately looked up and apologized.

"Oh I'm sorry Jeff, I didn't saw you there" I lightly smiled at him.

"That's because you were too busy in your phone" he snorted.

Jeff is a quite big man in his late 30s and he's my father's personal assistant plus bodyguard. He may show his rude exterior behaviour, but I know he's a sweetheart. He's like those grumpy teddy bears.

"Oh come on Jeff. No need to be my mom" I playfully groaned at him, "Now tell me what brings you here"

"Mr Miller asked for your presence in the conference hall"

"What? But Jeff it's lunch time. I'm hungry" I whined.

"You're always hungry Felicity. Now come, follow me" he turned and walked away.

'He's true though. I'm always hungry' I giggled mentally.

I groaned one last time before following him. We entered the elevator and waited for the floor.
When we reached the room's door, I remembered my father is not alone behind this door. He, most probably, is also in there.

And that thought alone was enough to stop my hand in mid air.

'Oh god! He's behind this door. How did I forget about him?'

"Can't this wait Jeff?" I tried to excuse myself.

"No" he said bluntly.

As I was busy with preparing few more excuses in my mind, I noticed Jeff giving me a questioning look from the corner of my eyes.

Taking a deep breath I came to conclusion that I don't have any other choice. So I knock at the door.

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