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"No surprise you're gaining so much weight, Felicity. Just hold your horses and eat slow" Lucy said while giggling lightly.

'here we go!'

I looked at her and saw her plate. Raising my eyebrow, I put my fork down.
"Well, I believe in eating like human. Eating only leafs and grasses are not my thing. Let that be food for goats and cows" I smiled sweetly, sipping my wine.

"Watch what you say, Felicity" Rachel said, glaring at me.
I only rolled my eyes slightly and resume finishing my food. I hate the people, not the food.

"How's work?" Father asked.
"Anything new?"
"Why so interested in my work?" I asked casually.

"You'll find out soon" Rachel said, smirking and sipped her wine.

'What do they mean?'

I frowned and wanted to ask. But I'm well known that they're not going to answer me, so I let it slip.

Finishing the dinner, I got up and announced that I'm going. As always Father ordered his driver to drop me and I, being a obedient daughter, followed his command.

For other's, family dinner means time with family, including talks and laughter. But for us, family dinner means only eating the food, filled with sarcastic comments here and there.

"Still haven't brought a car yet?" Rachel scoffed.
"Nope. Fortunately, I'm not materialistic like you. Goodnight" I smiled and walked out of the door.

I exhaled heavily, once seated inside the car. Henry, the driver, chuckled.

"That bad, huh?" He teased.
"It's never good Henry" I said tiredly, leaning back on my seat while watching outside the window.

Finally the awful day was over.


I'm so not ready for a whole new week.

Because looking at myself in the mirror, I'm damn sure about that. Dark circles are clearly visible under my eyes, making me look tired since second world war. My eyes are dull. My muscles are sore.

'I'm tired'

I sighed while taking my towel and entered the bathroom for a nice shower. These whole weekend was a complete flop for me.

Friday, witnessing the murder.
Saturday, arguing with my mother followed by crying my heart out and the awful family dinner.
Sunday, cleaning the whole house plus grocery shopping and finishing all paper works.
First thing I did sunday morning was to call my mum and apologize for the argument the previous day. I can't stay mad at my ladylove, now can I.

'Damn! I don't think I slept more than 4 hours this whole weekend'

And I blame the nightmares for that.

A chill ran down my spine and I quickly turn off the shower. I dried myself with the towel and walk out of the bathroom. I put on my work's clothe. Ugh, it's Monday already. And again ugh, I'm not ready for a whole new week.

I mean who's ever ready right? According to a survey, Monday is the most hated day of the week. So you can't blame me.

I quickly put my shirt and my pants and put my hairs in their natural waves. I did light makeup to look presentable and not a sleep deprived woman. On getting fully dressed, I looked around the room and find it as messy as ever; not dirty, just messy.

Well I'm hella lazy to clean it up.
I sighed and made my way towards the kitchen I noticed the wall clock saying it's 7:45 am. I ignored it at first and served myself a glass of juice.

Suddenly I froze. Realization slapped me hard and I realized I'm late for work.

"Oh shoot!" I cried in frustration and ran out of my apartment after taking my side bag.

I ran straight to the elevator and waited patiently while looking at my wrist watch, every passing second. On coming out of the building, I hailed a taxi and said the address of my office.

On reaching my office building, I literally ran inside, without tripping.
'Thank god!'
But was shocked to find no one in the entrance hall, even the reception table was empty. I frowned and slowed down, catching my breaths.

I turned around to the security guard and asked him where was everyone.

"Miss, everyone is busy in the meeting held in the conference hall, with our new boss" he explained.

I froze. My eyes grew the size of saucers. I gasped loudly, covering my mouth with my hand in shock. I totally forgot about our new boss. He's starting from today.

'How can you be so careless, moron! You got to be late today only??
Oh my luck!'

I quickly ran towards the conference hall but this time, I tripped. No, not once. I tripped trice. On my way. To the damn hall!

Do you ever get in a situation when you're late for something and you try your hella best to make it on time, but all the forces of nature is against your damn luck.
Yeah, well I'm in that situation right now.

On seeing the door of our conference hall, I breathed in relief. I grabbed the handle and inhaled deeply to calm my nerves.

'Don't worry. Now just open the door, silently sneak in, stand among the crowds and voilà! no one will notice'

I opened the door slowly and took my first step but unfortunately I failed to notice the slight bump at the very entrance, causing me to trip on it. A yelp escaped my mouth as I landed myself on my fours.

"Dang it!" I exclaimed. Then I noticed shoes. So many shoes. Men, women, both. I looked up and saw every single being present in that room staring at me. With amusement? Annoyance? I don't know.

'I deserve a lucky award please' I mentally shout.

Blood rushed to my face and I felt like my face is going to blast like a volcano. I stand up carefully and composed myself. I didn't dare to look up again. So I just apologized and took a place to stand among everyone.

As I turned to look at my new boss, all air left my lungs and I gasped lightly.


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