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I wasn't able to believe my eyes. My biggest fear was standing at the stage, while I was literally having a panic attack. Sweat beads formed on my forehead and although the room temperature was cool, I was feeling absolutely hot.

There was he, standing in a midnight blue tux, radiating his dominating aura; of full power. That aura which makes everything about him intimidating. But he's looks still made my heart skip a beat.

'How someone so handsome, can be so dangerous?'

I blinked several times and brought myself back to reality. I focused on what he was saying. He was talking smoothly about the Charity event and it's noble purposes while running his eyes among everyone present there.

Though the spot light was focused on him, suddenly I, just for a second, felt like his eyes were staring right back at me. My surrounding was dark and dim, making hard for him to recognize faces but that millisecond was enough to give me a heart attack.

My heart was beating violently and my hands trembled a little.

'I can't do this. I've to go. I have to get away from him. I've to get out of here'

Slowly I took a step back. Looking my sides I noticed no one was paying attention to me, not even Sasha, so I again took few steps back. Like that, slowly I started walking backwards.

Just as he was finished and the clapping starts, I bumped into someone, making a glass fall and shattered. I immediately turned around to see who was it. It was an old man, to whom I bumped and his hold on his champagne glass was released, making the glass to fall and shattered, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry sir. Are you hurt? Are you okay sir? I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't looking" I asked him, worry covering my senses.
"I'm fine dear. Just my champagne got wasted. Nothing to worry about" he chuckled.
"I'm so sorry sir. I wa-" I was interrupted by a deep voice.

"Clean this up" he said. Almost instantly one waiter came and carefully cleaned up the mess. I took this time to observed my surrounding, noticing almost everyone was looking at this direction. Many faces displayed disgust and annoyance, while few were amused.

Then I finally turned my attention to him. I slowly looked at his eyes and looked down directly after noticing his glare. I looked at his polished black shiny shoes.

'I just pray he won't recognise me'

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, slightly bowing my head. From the corner of my eyes I could feel my father's glare. He came straight near Asher and apologize on my behalf, while glaring daggers at me.

'You are in deep trouble'

Suddenly I was gently turned around by someone.
"Are you okay?" Elijah asked.
"Yes" I replied, still afraid of the person standing to my left.

"How on earth you even got back here? You were standing right beside me" Sasha asked.

"I....um...I was looking for June" I lied. Of course I can't tell them the real reason.

Father said something to Asher, to which he only nodded and walked away but not before giving me a look, which made me feel like a block of ice rolled down my spine.

"Let's go and take our seats" Sasha suggested. I nod and hurried my way towards it. A waiter came to our table with some drinks and I took a glass, immediately gulping it down. I took a breath to calm my nerves and grab two glasses more.

"Wow, slow down tigress. You'll choke yourself to death" Sasha commented. I didn't paid attention to her and again gulped down my drink.

Finishing my forth or fifth drink, I finally felt myself relaxed and I sighed out heavily. I was feeling light headed now and my heart beat came to normal. Next few minutes or say hours, were completely blur to me. I was just sitting there and laughing on Elijah's jokes. I could tell, he was trying hard to divert my mind from my embarrassing incident.

But how am I suppose to tell them it's not the incident I'm worried about, it is the person who is - literally - the star of the whole party.

Finally after few lectures and greetings, it was time for dinner. A big buffet meal is the best, isn't it?

I eagerly took my favourites and went towards our table. Now I was somewhat relaxed and almost forgot about him.

Remember the keyword, 'almost'.

Every time I found myself engrossed in laughing with my friends, I was remained of him by a burning gaze. It didn't took long for me to know that it's him.
It was never from only one direction but as he mingled among his guests he made sure to watch over me too. The sensation from his stare never drifted off of me. It was always there.
His gaze, burning holes to my bare back but not even once I looked back at him.

I sifted uncomfortably several times, which made Elijah turn towards me. He placed his hand on my bare left thigh.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Alcohol was starting to affect my mind as I giggled and placed my hand over his, before nodding.
"You sure?" He asked again.
"Of course I'm okay. Actually I'm better. I think I should take another drink"
"No. No more drinks. Just finish your dinner and we're out of here" he said sternly. I pouted my lips but nevertheless, returned to my plate.

Dinner was amazing. It was one of the best event dinner I've ever attended. True to his words, Elijah dragged me out of there as soon as we finished our dinners.
Lastly I hugged Sasha and June. Sasha whispered something about spending the night with Elijah, which made three of us burst into unstoppable giggles.

We reached my apartment building and I soon find us standing in front of the elevator. Elijah smiled softly and kissed my forehead before wishing me goodnight. At first he insisted on dropping me to my door but I politely decline his offer. I entered the lift and waved him bye until the door closed.

I exhaled heavily and leaned back on the wall of the lift, watching the digital screen indicating the floors as I reached and passed them.
I never wanted to creat a show of myself on this type of grand event; that too, on my father's grand event. Mostly, I never wanted to meet him like that.

Finally I reached my floor and walked out of the lift. I stumbled few steps due to my foggy mind and finally reached my door. I opened it and went inside. As soon as I reached my bedroom, I walked out of my dress and threw it inside my closet, taking a baggy shirt and wearing it. I removed my heels throwing it too somewhere in the room. I walked inside the bathroom, winching slightly because of my hurt toes. I wiped off my makeup with makeup remover and freshen up myself.

I returned to my bed, literally walking with closed eyes due to tiredness and plopped myself on the bed and drifted off within a second.

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