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Breakfast was quiet and boring as usual. The only time this morning ritual gets way livelier was when she was eating with her friends. And that only happened on rare occasions is she happened to visit them while they were eating and not the other way round.

Caroline wasn't the kind who entertained friends during breakfast. Especially Janelle's friend, Tara. The woman thinks Tara is bad influence but Janelle thinks otherwise. Just because someone is free spirited, doesn't make them a bad influence.

Caroline looked up from her tea and smiled at Janelle.
"I found Nana in your bed this morning. I didn't want to wake you up since you were actually sound asleep. I guess yesterday's events wore you out?"
She asked.

Janelle shrugged. "I guess."

"So, why was she in your bed instead of hers?"

Janelle loomed at her mother. "Mum, it is not a strange picture. She sleeps there most of the time."

"That was before, Janelle. Not now you're a full grown woman."

Janelle chuckled. "Okay, chillax, mum. You're beginning to sound like something bad happened. You know Nana knows how yo make me sleep when I can't."

Caroline shrugged and lifted the mug to her lips. "You should have called me if you couldn't sleep."
She sipped her tea.

Janelle looked at her and rolled her eyes. "But mum, you know I'm used to calling Nana in times like that. Besides, she was already there to help and there was no need calling you anyway."

The next sound was the mug hitting the saucer. Caroline glared at her. "What is that supposed to me? I am your mother and I can do those things too."

"Mum, let's not start this morning, please. Everyone is aware that you are my mother and I know that too. No need to spell the role to me. All I'm saying is that, she was there to help, that's all. Why are you sounding like a jealous mother?"

"A jealous mother?" Caroline said and shook her head. "Well, at least you were able to sleep well. I was just worried that I didn't see you up and about when I woke up. And you have always been an early riser. Just like your father."
Caroline said and smiled.

Janelle passed her the same smile. The silence engulfed the table again and the only sound was the faint sound of the Johnny Drile's Wait For Me at the background playing.

"What's your itinerary for today?"
Caroline asked. "I was thinking we could review your designs for your first fashion line. Its supposed to be this December, you know. And we are behind schedule with everything that's been going on."

"I know. But I'll pass. I need more time."

"Janelle, more time is what we don't have. We have given ourselves too much break as it is and we need to step up."

"Mum, with everything going on right now? I can't focus."

Caroline sighed. "Janelle, you have to find a way to focus. Your are a businesswoman and we don't let things like this put us off the line. And we still have your father's company to handle so, you see? No time. Because you have a lot of responsibilities. That's why we needed the merger but as it is, you can't marry James just yet. Your father's legacy won't be wiped out. You are the only child."

"But I thought dad has another child."
She pointed out, looking down at her meal.

Caroline stared at her. "I will not talk about a bastard at this table."

"I don't even know if it's a she or a he, mum. Why don't you want to talk about it?"

"Are you really going to test my patience this morning?"
Caroline asked with a raised eyebrow.

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