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"I'm so sorry for your loss, Janelle. I wish I could be there with you right now."
Tara said from the other line of the phone.

Janelle sighed and rubbed her palm on her forehead, trying to subdue the pounding head ache. Sleeping had been far from her for two days now.

Ever since she had to see her father's body parts in a plastic bag, the memory had not left her. It stuck with her like a second skin.

She nodded, closed her eyes and tried to lean against the door frame of her room. Feeling dizzy was a consequence of poor sleep.

"I know. Don't feel too bad about it. You're working and I can't let you put a pause to your work on my account. Have fun in Italy."

"It's not fun if you're feeling this down. Gosh, I'm so sorry."

"Tara, it is fine. Really."

There was a long sigh from the other line. "Yeah, what's going on now? What are the police saying about it?"

"They're still on the case. No leads at all."

There was a brief silence between them.

"Lemme calk you back, okay?"
Janelle said.

"Okay. Cool. Take care of yourself."
Tara hung up.

Janelle inhaled and exhaled. She knew she needed to be strong for her mother who was still in shock and depression from what she saw two nights ago.

It was murder. Obviously murder, but she didn't know what her father could have done to deserve such disrespect.

She walked to her mother's study and paused when the police started asking questions.

"He didn't have any enemies. None that I know of."
Her mother said to one of the men.

"Okay, what about business associates?"
The other asked.

Caroline shook her head slowly as if trying to recall.

"Did you say he was going to see someone that night, ma'am?"
The first man asked.

Caroline looked up at him and glanced at Janelle. "Yes. He was going to see someone that night."

"Who, if I may ask?"

Caroline stared at the man for a brief second, then glanced at Janelle, who still stood at the door, watching carefully. She cleared her throat and looked away.

"Officers, I think you're stressing her."
Janelle said and walked into the room. "She is still in shock as you can see."

Something isn't right, she thought as she looked from the men to her mother.

Her mother was hiding something. Whatever it is, it sure had something to do with her father's death. She could sense it. She could feel it.

Janelle felt the urge to ask just after the men left, but then her mother was still going through hell right now. Perhaps, it would be nice to hold on for now.

Listen, when I get back, we have to talk.

I will never do anything to hurt you.

Those were the last words of her father. Still ringing in her head and making her want to know more about who had done that to her father.

"Okay, fair enough. Please, let us know of anything you remember, madam."
The man said.

Caroline nodded and watched the men leave with Pascal who accompanied them to the door.

Denzel said as he walked into the study. Janelle ran into his arms in a hug. Grateful that he was here.

She said, still in his arms, not even ready to let go just yet. Denzel had been with her since the death of her father. He had been the first person she called when she saw that bag.

Somehow, he was her strength. Funny enough.

"What's up? The front yard is packed up with the press."
He said, looking into her eyes.

Janelle nodded. "They want to get information about my father's death. We can't give out that kind of information, Dee. It is just too shameful."
She said and walked to the entrance.

Denzel turned to Caroline. "How are you doing, Mrs. Anderson?"

Caroline gave him a weak smile. "Better. How are you?"

Denzel nodded. "Um. . . Aunt Claudia and her husband will he here to see you tomorrow."

Caroline nodded.

He turned to Janelle who led him out of the study, leaving her mother in the hands of Nana Clara.

"How are you doing, Jay?"
He asked, pulling her body to his as his arms wrapped around her waist.

Janelle rested her forehead against his broad chest and sighed loudly.
She looked up at him and shook her head. "I'm confused, Dee. He wanted to tell me something. He was going to tell me something that night."

Denzel followed her over to the balcony where they could hear the commotion going on outside. He felt sorry for her. Janelle wasn't used to this and he only wished they found whoever killed her father. He knew Gregory Anderson had always been a good man. He had no enemies. He could never have any enemies with how generous and kindhearted he was. But then, what secret could have been so important to make him go out in a hurry that night?

Janelle held her hands against the railing, leaned forward and stared into space.

"I spoke with James." Denzel tore into her thoughts. She looked up at him. "I told him. He was shocked."

She nodded. "He called me this morning."

Denzel nodded. "Everything will be alright, Janelle. We'll find whoever did this."

Janelle turned to face him, with a little frown on her face, seriously thinking. "I think. . . Maybe, my mum knows about it."

Denzel raised an eyebrow. "Why would you say that?"

She shook her head and walked down the stairs. He followed closely. "I don't know. I can't place my hands on it. But they had an argument that night and he rushed out. Now, the police wanted to know who he had gone off to see that night and my mum simply. . . Just got uncomfortable."

"I don't think that's it, Janelle. You don't expect her to recall the last discussion she had with your dad before he died, do you? She's going through hell as it is right now and talking about it this early is very risky for her."

Janelle nodded after a brief pause. "Yeah, that's why I can't talk to her about it." She let out a loud sigh. "I'm so confused, Dee. What is going on? Who would do this?"

Pascal said as he approached them

She turned around with a eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you ma'am, Sir."
He nodded at Denzel. "But. . .There's a package for you. The guard at the gate said it is for you."
He handed Janelle an envelope.

"For me?" She asked, reaching for the package with obvious hesitation.

"Yes, ma'am."
Pascal said and nodded.

"Okay, thank you."

The butler bowed and left.

Janelle looked up at Denzel with uncertainty, glancing at the envelopes, she tore it open. "What could. . ."

She paused when she saw what it was. A picture of her coming out of the hospital yesterday. But then, the picture was headless. Her head had been cut off and the rest was just her body, boarding her car. She raised a shaky hand to her mouth.
"Oh, my God."

Denzel snatched the photo from her and turned it over.

It said in bold letters.

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