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She laughed into the phone at something Candace had said while making her way to the dinner room.

She said, smiling. "Honestly, babe if I don't know you, ehn? I'll think you're a lesbian. How can you be so rude to that poor guy? He was only making a good impression."
She paused to listen.

She laughed. "Babe, just chillax jare. Only God knows the man that will take your heart. I'll give him an award. I've never seen you with any man or side boo since I knew and that's like all my life."
She nodded at the maid who greeted her, while opening the door for her.

She gasped. "Seriously! I must meet this guy that's taking your heart away already without my permission. I have. . ."
She pulled the phone from her ears, ran to her dad whom she hadn't seen in months and didn't know had arrived and gave him a hug. "Daddyyyy!! When did you arrive?"

Her father laughed and wrapped his arms around her while her mother beaned at them. "Just few minutes ago, darling. How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been good as you can see."
She curtsied and they both laughed
Her father nodded.

"I can see clearly, darling."

"Oh, hold on."
She said to her dad and put the phone back to her ear, smiling excitedly. "Hey, Candy? Lemme call you right back."

She laughed. "Awwn, sorry boo. Mi Papi just arrived. Okay, bye."
She hung up and turned to her father, grinning and giving him another hug.
"I've missed you. How's business in Japan?"

"Booming, Darling. How are you doing with the whole house?"

"Ugh! Boring!"
She said, rolling her eyes and dropped herself in a chair next to her mother. "I have been out from here to there, with my friends trying to make it seem lively for me."

"Oh. So sorry dear. But you have to get used to it, now that you're about to get married into a bigger family than ours. Hmm?"
Her father said.

She murmured and lowered her gaze to her meal, hoping her dad doesn't ask about James. . .

"Yes, speaking of which. . ."
Her father began.

Oh, Lord.

"I saw the newspaper and your mother tells me that the wedding has been put on hold. Why is that?"

"Uh, yeah. We just. . .wanted to take some time and get to know each other better."
She said and nodded.

"But, honey, you already know James. You both have been close since childhood."
Her mother added.

"Yes, mum. But not like people who are about to get married. James and I act like business partners and I don't want that. Our marriage is not based on a contract, it is what he wants and what I want too."

Her parents exchanged glances and went back to their meals. Her father shrugged. "Its okay, Darling. Whatever makes you happy, we are here to support you."
He smiled.

"Thanks, dad."
She smiled at him.

"Um. . .How long will this break last, if I may ask?"
Her mother asked after five minutes of silence.

Her father put in with a stern look at her.

"What? We have to know about that too. It is important."
She said to him and turned a smiling face at her daughter.

"I don't know, mum. Maybe a month or two. . ."

"Two months!"
Caroline cut in. "Well. . .t- that's too much. Isn't it too much, Greg?"
She turned to her husband.

Janelle frowned at this. "Mum. I think I'm the judge of that, considering that I'm the one getting married, right?"
She asked.

Caroline cleared her throat and pressed her palms to her hair and smiled up at Janelle. "Of course, dear. I'm sorry. I was just worried."
She went back to her meal.

Janelle knew she didn't have to feel uncomfortable but her mother's reaction to her wedding pause was a bit too suspicious. She thought about it on her way to her bedroom after dinner which her parents had left earlier.

"This is wrong, Greg! Why are you doing this to me?!"

The voice of her mother came in as she passed her parents room. Janelle paused and frowned.

It had been a while since they had an argument like this. Most times, they would just talk about it and resolve the issue, but this was different.
The last time her parents had raised voices at each other, Janelle has discovered secretly, that there was a third party involved.

Another woman.

"Stop raising your voice, anyone can hear you."
Her father said.

Janelle slowly walked to the door and listened.

Her mother laughed.
"You're pathetic, Greg. You don't want anyone to know, but you forget that our daughter is involved here!"

"She need me, Caroline. Can't you see? I haven't seen her in months and I just got back. . ."

"You have a daughter, for crying out loud! A daughter that needs you more and I mean Janelle."

"She's a human being too, Caroline."

"Why do you always make me feel less important? Why do you always want to remind me of the past whenever you come home, Greg?"

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. She's a part of me. . ."

"Oh, shut up! Stop reminding me of that tramp! I am your wife! This is our wedding ring, a sign that I married you properly, Greg."

"Stop this, Caroline! She's also a human being like you! She needs to be loved too!"

"She doesn't need love, what she needs is an asylum!"

The sound of a slap earned a gasp from Janelle.

What's going on?

As much as she wanted to rush in there and find out what the whole fuss is all about, Janelle stayed put.

He is having an affair again.

Tears rolled down her cheek as she tried to process it.

"Greg, if you walk out that door, this marriage is over."
Her mother said.

Janelle covered her mouth with shaky hands to stop her cries.

There was a brief silence and some movements, then. . .

"I'm sorry, Caroline. You know I love you but I have to go to her. She needs me. Please."

"Greg, don't do this. Think of our daughter."

"I am thinking about her too, you know it. I'm sorry."

Before Janelle could rush past the door, it opened to reveal her father, standing there, ready to go out.

He took in her facial appearance and stepped forward to touch her but she shrank backwards.
"Janelle. . ."

"What are you doing, daddy?"
She asked, cutting him off.

He shook his head. "You don't understand. But I will tell you about it when. . ."

"When you come back from meeting with your lover?"
She cut in again.

"What? Not. . . Listen, when I get back we have to talk."
He said.

She shook her head and hugged her hands around her body.

"I love you Sweetheart. I will never do anything to hurt you."
He said and walked away.

Caroline stepped out and Jenelle rushed to her mother, threw her arms around her and they both consoled each other.

Try to brainstorm. What do you think is going on?
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