~ Fourteen ~

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I'm waken the next morning by one of the babies kicking my bladder. I'm in such a rush to the bathroom it takes me a bit to register that Johnny wasn't in the bed.

After going to the bathroom and I head to the kitchen where I can smell bacon cooking. As soon as I step into the kitchen I stop. There's is a petite blond girl standing there cooking the delicious smelling bacon.

"Oh. Um hello." I say feeling awkward. "Who are you?" She demands folding her arms over chest. "I could ask you the same thing." I answer rolling my eyes. "Why are you in my boyfriends house?" She demands taking a step forward.

My arms instantly go to my belly making her eyes flick down. I can feel rage building in my chest along. Does Johnny really have another girlfriend and let her stay? Even after he's told me how much he loves me?

"What the fuck!" She screeches making me wince. "He knocked you up?" She yells taking another step forward. Automatically I step back and knock into someone. "Oh hey Liv." Percy's sleepy voice says from behind me.

"You're up early." He comments as he wraps his arm around me shoulder and smiles down at me. "What the actual fuck Percy! You have a girlfriend? And she's pregnant!" The blonde yells. "What?" Percy's head snaps from my face and towards the blonde. "Ahh. Yeah. Yeah I do. You better go." He says pulling me closer to his side. I send him daggers with my eyes.

"Fuck you." She spits and starts stomping toward the door. "What's going here?" Johnny asks walking freshly showered eyeing Percy's arm around me and my defensive stance. "Your brother is a dirty cheat!" The blonde yells jabbing a finger at Percy. "Just so you know, he fucked my ass last night." She smirks at me before waltzing out. I don't move until I hear the front door slam.

"What the fuck just happened?" I ask pushing Percy off me and walking over to the bacon and pouting when it's burnt. "I brought her home last night. I thought she left." Percy shrugs taking a seat.

I don't bother answering and just stare at the bacon wishing it would miraculously become unburnt. When it doesn't I burst into tears. "Shit! I'm sorry Liv! I didn't mean to upset you!" Percy apologised quickly as Johnny wraps his arms around me.

"It's n-not you. It's the b-bacon." I hiccup through my tears. "The bacon?" Johnny laughs against me. "It's burnt!" I wail. "You're crying over burnt bacon?" Percy asks coming over to look at the pan. "Yes! I just want bacon!" I exclaim. "How about you get dressed and I'll take you both out for bacon." Percy smiles down at me. "Really?" I sniffle. When Percy nods my face breaks out in a smile and I run straight to the room to get changed.

10 minutes later I'm sliding into a booth at a diner with the three Williams brothers. "They have the best bacon here. I promise." Percy says giving me a shy smile. "They better." I answer narrowing my eyes at him.

When the waitress comes over her eyes instantly lock onto Johnny. I narrow my eyes at her too. For some reason I'm feeling insanely jealous today. "What can I get you?" She asks sweetly fluttering her eyelashes at Johnny who is still looking at the menu. "I'll have the pancakes with bacon and bananas." Percy says sending me a smirk.

"Same." Tom answers placing his menu on top of Percy's. "And you?" She asks touching Johnnys shoulder making him jump and scoot closer to me.

"What?" He asks furrowing his brow. "What can I get you?" She repeats still smiling from ear to ear. "Eggs Benedict and a side of bacon." He grunts lightly tossing the menu onto the others.

"No problem." She smiles before dropping her smile a little and looks at me. "Scrambled eggs and bacon please." I say through a forced smile. "Won't be long."

"So I have news guys." Percy says once the waitress leaves. "Your pregnant too?" Tom fake gasps making me and Johnny laugh. "No dipshit. I got a job!"

"That's so awesome Percy! Where?" I ask mirroring his wide smile. "The local attorneys office. I start July 14th." He says puffing his chest proudly. We chat about his job until our food comes out. "Here you go." The sane waitress flirts with Johnny making me grit my teeth. "And your extra side of bacon. I love bacon too." She winks. "Oh my god same!" Percy says in a mocking tone.

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