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April likes the rush, the fear and the feeling of superiority. As witch heads hit the ground she can feel a slight high. It was never about the violence or the bloodshed. Just the feeling of being better at someone at something.

Donovan stopped chewing off a head a little while ago and he'd just stopped in Wolf form to see April singlehanded take down 3 witches while they threw countless spells at her. Donovan was amazed by her strength but also a little unsettling.

Donovan watched as she did a back flip kicking an older woman in her face. The witch stumbles back and attempts to say something but April finished her off with a side kick right to the side of her face.

After she finished she breathed heavily turning to Donovan. Her eye was bleeding pretty badly now.
"Why are you glowing?" She asked and Donovan ran to her, his furry back catches her head before it hits the hard ground.

He wants to call for help but he would have to shift in front of soldiers or he'd be naked which would be a dead give away anyways.
He doesn't know what to do in this moment so he turns to her and prays to the moon goddess that he can save her.

He leans over the girl. His thick wet tongues runs over her eye. The taste of iron is very prominent on his tongue but it doesn't stop him. He carried her to a small cave deep into the moon kingdom's woods. Since he wasn't sure how to get her up the wall without raising suspicion.

He lays on the cold ground of the cave and carries April's body and lays her down on him.
"Where are we?" April's gentle voice spoke to him.
"I'm not quite sure if I'm being honest."
"Do you regret following me?" April asked  rubbing her injured eye.
"I would follow you anywhere and still be perfectly happy just to stand besides you."

"You're annoyingly affectionate." April said and Donovan grabbed her face turning her towards him.
He looks at her eye and it seemed to have been back to normal. Only now the orb inside is a couple shades lighter than it used to be.

"Does it hurt?" Donovan asked and April nods.
"I can handle it." April said after a moment of silence.
Donovan places a kiss on her eyebrow. She kisses him, it's a plain gentle kiss that's more of a peck than a real kiss but he glows with happiness at it.

"Thanks." April said shyly turning away from the naked man. not knowing how else to respond to her own actions.
"Does anywhere else hurt?" Donovan asked pursing his lips.
"And you ruined it."

"Are we on the moon side?" April asked and Donovan nods in reply.
"How are we going to get back to the sun?"
"I was hoping you'd help figure that out."

"You're really pretty." Everett said to Akia who was finally getting the hang of the alphabet. He'd been teaching her for 3 days now and she was finally beginning to understand.

"You keep saying that" Akia said with warm cheeks.
"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Everett asked and akia shook her head.
"No one really compliments me anymore."
"Let me make it my purpose in life."

Akia feels her cheeks and then her body heat up almost instantly.

"You're picking everything up so quickly" Everett said pushing strains of his long blonde hair out of his eyes.
"I think April tried to teach me once. I think I'm just now recalling everything from back then."
He nods moving to small three letter words.

"Can I ask you a question?" Akia asked as she copied what he was writing.
"Sure 'kia."

"Do you believe in soul mates?" Akia wanted to know, she personally didn't believe in soul mates at all. Especially if the king was supposed to be hers yet he's just a ball of angry energy towards her. She knew some of it was her fault, stepping out of line in almost every occasion to someone like a king who wasn't used to it and couldn't really do anything about it.

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