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Hey guys.... so I missed Thursday literally on my first try. I originally planned the updating schedule as Monday and Friday then changed it last minute to give myself more time by changing it to Thursday. I forgot I made that correction. I'm sorry but I'm really going to try harder next time. I've never had an updating schedule before I'm trying so hard to discipline myself.


April is riding a werewolf, not in the fun way. She's riding a werewolf on the moon's side with a bloody sword in her hand. Getting on top of a werewolf who promised her that he could successfully get her down from a very tall tower as long as she held on tightly.

The mission was suicidal for both of them but they did it anyway.

April's weight though knocked Donovan to the ground. Succeeding in crushing his back legs. He lets out a howl and April who rolled to the ground almost on impact feels a frightening cold chill run through her at the sound.

He's in pain.
Thankfully, it doesn't last for long as his bones began snapping back into place. Battered skin healing and dislocated jaw finds its proper location. April doesn't even have time to admire him as he stretches out at full size.

April was attacked by a witch's strength. She's pulled off the ground by a magical force levitating in mid air before she's slammed against the wall that separates the moon from the sun.

April's skull makes impact with the wall and she feels as though every part of her body had moved back and connected to the wall leaving her immobile as she fell down from the height.

While she's down for a spilt second she imagines her life as someone else. Maybe she wasn't April maybe she was Mary or may even. Mary would've grown up to be a housewife, maybe Mary would've been lucky enough to get a husband that wasn't a complete prick and she would've been able to tolerate him. Mary would be happy cleaning up after her children, to wait for her husband to fuck her every night and she'd be happy in general.

In her imagination, Mary who's also April turns and scoffs at her.
"Who're you trying to fool, there's no where else fitted for you than here." Mary said and April snaps out of it.

Donovan is being pinned to the floor in an uncomfortable impossible manner and three witches are surrounding him. One's grabbed on to his mouth and was forcing it close. They were all paying close attention to him. He's whimpering as they continued to pushing him down and tug him around.

April tries to move as slowly as possible, her head is throbbing and she starts to see black spots in her vision. She fears its death. She's frightened because she hasn't even lived yet, not really anyway.

Her arm travels to her boot and she grabs the knife that's hidden there. She throws the knife so fast and carelessly that she misses. She can't see well and her vision is only getting worse.

"Met I thought you killed her." One of the witches said and the Met girl answers.
"I thought she was dead, no matter-" the girl and before soon a dark cloud like force was rushing towards her. April quickly rolls over and the cloud misses her.

"What in the name of the moon is that?" Another witch said.
"Did she just dodge a spell?" The witch asked and April crawls away from them as they spoke.

"Let's see." Another witch said and started chanting something that causes April to be lifted to the sky once more. April can vaguely see the dark cloud sounding her neck but she can feel it there. She takes her hand and wraps it around the cloud despite the tightening of it around her neck, choking her. She tightens her hold over and struggles around it.

Suddenly everything slows down as she tightens her hold on the cloud. Somehow she can hold something that shouldn't be physical that shouldn't even be visible and some how she's able to tear it apart.
She dropped to the floor but the perplexed witches are just getting started.

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