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Akia watches with stars in her eyes as a group of beautiful girls walked in a straight line, they were being instructed by the court lady.

Eleanor was in the group of girls, Akia always though Eleanor was beautiful but next to most of the most prettiest girls in the kingdom she looked like a gem.

They were meant to keep good posture and poise as they walked, Akia has been doing that since she was able to stand. The only time her back bent before this was when she first started growing breast.

She had trouble balancing herself. Her breast weren't huge on any count but they had appeared so suddenly, taking her from someone who had been laughed at for having 'mosquitoes bites' to someone who now needed a corset to straighten her back.

Akia loved her body, she had to after all the time she took taking care of it. She picked, pounded and roasted the seeds to make her own shea butter. She did this on her own, without being able to read, without any useful strength or tactic like her older siblings.

Her mother had just mentioned her grandmother being obsessed with some kind of oil that came from some nuts she found in the backyard. Akia figured the rest on her own.

Her skin was soft before she used it having already been using a plethora of skin milks and oils. But the shea butter brought it to a whole other level.

Her hair which was always big and really hard to manage unless fully soaked and moisturized benefited greatly. The maid who was tasked with making sure Akia's hair was presentable was stunned by the ease in manipulating Akia's hair.

Akia always offered it to as many people as she could. Figured they needed a miracle in their lives as well.

Akia looks over and sees the queen. They's a very large green umbrella over her head being held by 3 maids. The queen is dressed in a beautiful emerald green dress decorated by white pearls.

She wonders why she couldn't be queen.

There were a lot of things Akia did that most people wouldn't notice. Although Akia was practically imprisoned in her home she still had hobbies. Hobbies she mastered over time. She may not know how to read but she knew how to suck out the venomous bite of a snake. She knew how silk was made and how to go about it herself. She knew how to harvest and how to plant as well as advanced training in recognizing flowers and medical plants.

"Join us." Eleanor mouthed.
"Can't, I'm fat." Akia mouthed back patting her stomach.

Her dress was pressed tightly around her sides and any sudden movements and the zipper on the back was going to pop right off.

She knows now that she's only going to get bigger. She just wished the royal tailor knew it too.
Akia walked passed the girls and into the garden. She looks down the fort over the garden, she leans down to see the king training.

He looks extremely pissed off today. His hair is out of his hold and he's shirtless and in leather pants. The other knights are in full uniform. The king isn't even wearing his crown. A swordsman was holding it as if it was a new born baby.

The king successfully beats his competition, even bruised a guard. Akia could feel his aggression coursing through her veins. Wondered if it was because of last night.

She couldn't help but wonder if they king hated her. She knows she's not supposed to care, she wanted to be the queen mother so she could put him in his place. So she wouldn't have to care.

This was all messed up, this wasn't what she wanted at all.

"What are you doing here?" The king asked and she jumps. Backing away from his sweaty muscular body that she couldn't stop herself from staring at.
"I wanted to see the garden." She said with a curt bow.
"Don't come here while I'm training again." He said voice was sharp.

Kingly Desire (BWWM) (on hiatus)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang