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In the end that night Akia was used again, but for some reason this time hurt more than the other ones.
This time she felt truly powerless, he seemed to just keep going and going and at the end. She almost cried from joy at finally being free from the experience.

He hesitated to leave, he sat at the edge of the bed like he was trying to find the appropriate words but left after a while never saying anything.

Akia was left to herself, Mina was preparing for a feast since the queen's parents were coming to visit.
A maid came in with warm water like Mina always does and Akia dismisses her deciding like always to do it herself.

Akia gets out of bed and puts her clothes on by herself. This was the time to move if she was ever going to.
She puts on her dress and ties her braided hair up high.

She grabs the king's robe that had been left on the floor at the corner of the room.
She wraps it around herself in other to keep warm on such a cold night.

She knew the maids would be outside her room and she had to figure out a way to make them all leave.

"Brenda.. I'm hungry but I only want pears and peaches." She said and waits for the girl's reply from outside the door.

"I'll go get them right away My lady." Brenda says and the girl smiles to herself, two more to go.

"Hazel, could you go prepare me a bath. I'm afraid the rag isn't helping me at all." Akia said and she heard Hazel mumble that she was on it.

The last maid would be harder to send away, that was for sure.

"Ow.. OW." Akia pretended to fall to the floor, the doors to her chamber open and Ophelia stands before her.

"What's wrong?" She asked bending die to pull the girl to her feet.

"I just started to feel a sharp pain in my womb. I don't know what's going on." Akia said and Ophelia nodded.

"GUA-"She screams but Akia covers her mouth with her hand.

"You can't call them, the king will know and violate me again tonight."
"But you need help." Ophelia said and Akia shouts a fake cry.

"Go get the doctor.." She said in a hush tone.
"But you'll be here all alone." Ophelia said,
"I'll be fine." Akia said and watched the girl tentatively walk away.

Once the girl's footsteps are out of earshot, Akia gets up.
She opens the door and steps out into the Cool night air.

She sees guards not too far away from her, she pulls the king's robe up.
"Isn't it a beautiful night?" She asked the guards and one answers.
"Sure is my lady. Shouldn't you be in bed?" The guard said and Akia sighs.

"The thing is I wanted to return the king's robe to him, he left it while he was over and I just wanted to return it to him." Akia said nervously.

"Ah- so it's that kind of errand." One of the guard said with a smirk on his face.
Akia pretends to be flustered by covering her face with her palm and smiling.

"Go on then, but you must hurry back soon. This side of the palace has to shut down fully soon so that the queen can take more workers to prepare for her party tomorrow. We need you in bed so that we can send the maids away." The guard said and Akia nods.

She hurries in the direction of the king's chambers. She turns to see if they are still keeping an eye on her and when she notices that they aren't she makes a run for it. She runs straight passed the throne room which surprisingly had no guards.

She runs passed the king's chambers which were still lit and she just keeps running until she meets the end of the large palace.

She's met with a tall wall and almost gives up and readies herself to return to her torture chamber when she sees guards entering the palace through a very small opening in the gate. A gasp threaten to leave her lips and joy overwhelmed her.

She hides in the darkness and waits for the guards to leave.
She passed through the gate and she's free now because she's standing on the opposite side of the palace.

She makes a dash for the woods, running at full speeds in the direction of her home.

"Here follow me, she's groaning and withering in pain." Ophelia said leading the royal doctor to Akia's chamber.
When she gets there and open the door she gulps seeing a completely empty room and an unmade bed.

"She was h-here. She sent us all away so she could l-leave." Ophelia said stuttering now thinking about the young girl's motive for sending all her maids away.

"You have to pretend she in there, you have to pretend that she's sleeping until the guards dismiss you to go help with the preparations for the queen, then in the morning you must pretend as if you just noticed that she wasn't in her chamber. That's the only way the king will spare your life." The doctor said and the maid nods thanking him as he pretends to go into the room for appearances.

Once he finishes and leaves the other girls come back with their task completed.
"She left." Ophelia said and the girl start to pant.

"What do you mean she left?" Brenda asked the tray of sliced peaches and pears shake in her hand. A sad smile spread on Ophelia's lips.

"I mean she tricked us and ran away. Go inside and pretend as if she's in there asleep. We have to act like she's in there, so we don't get blamed for her disappearance." Ophelia said and both girls enter the chambers.

After a couple minutes they come back out.
"She's really gone." Hazel said and Brenda almost broke into tears at the kind of punishment losing her would mean for them.

"It's not fair. She just waltzed out of here not even caring that our lives are in her hands now." Hazel said and Brenda put her head down.

"What's not fair is what was being done to her-"

"What's being done to her?, who in this palace hasn't been tossed around?. Who hasn't been forced to have sex with some one? Does it hurt even more when your a High blood or something?" Hazel asked and Brenda tries to quiet her.

"We could be hanged for this or butchered like pigs just because she's selfish and can't see the bigger picture."
"She's a child this was thrown on her so suddenly." Brenda said and Hazel snickers.

"I was receiving masters by the time I was 13, it wasn't even like this. It wasn't to save a nation it was to stop the old man from fucking my old sick mom and you're telling me she is a child, stop excusing her nonsense." Hazel screams and all of a sudden her eyes pupils disappear.

Brenda gasp as the girl starts floating in the air.
"Oph, oph somethings happened to Hazel." Brenda said running outside to get Ophelia.
Ophelia walks in to see the girl floating.
She's not shocked.

"What's wrong with her?" brenda asked
"She has awaken."

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