Halloween Nightmare

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Halloween was around the corner but a lot of the festivities were happening the weekend before.

Kenz decided to dress up as a zombie for Halloween. I was confident I could transform her into the living dead...

I also decided to dress up for a party that Rae and I were invited to. Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz. It seemed oddly appropriate...

The day of Kenz's party I finished her 'look' early in the afternoon. I hadn't seen Gerald at the mansion. Mainly because I knew he traveled a lot. But to see him get worked up over her first solo outing to her friend's house for a 'party' allowed me to see a side of him I wasn't used to. I definitely felt like Cassandra influenced him a lot when I was around...

I was also ready to go to work as 'Dorothy' and before I left with Walt I bumped into Kai at the door. It took him a moment to realize why I was in a costume.

"Haven't you dressed up for Halloween?" he didn't seemed interested.

"I only participated one year out of obligation."

"Only once?" he nodded and I smothered a laugh. To see this serious guy in a clown costume would be peak entertainment.

He then walked by me while saying: "have fun..." I couldn't believe it. He then added: "also... James will be able to pick you up later tonight... he'll be in the area..." I nodded. Even stranger... but then again, after what happened on the site... I could understand a bit of his care...

Anytime he showed even a ounce of sincerity it did make me wonder why it felt like my head was up in the clouds...


When I arrived at the art studio Rae was already there. She was dressed up as an 'alien' and her makeup was impressive.

We had our class, hung out in the studio for a bit afterwards to work on some separate art projects, and then headed out to the Halloween party. We arrived around 7pm we started mingling with the 'unique arts crowd' that Rae knew in one of the clubs she attended in University. I insisted it would be a better idea for her to go by herself but she insisted I go out to have some fun. Seeing as I lived with my 'aunt' I couldn't say no.

A few drinks, awkward congo lines, and terribly angled selfie's later, I excused myself to go get a drink.

I stood in the kitchen listening to the music blaring in the distance. I could see Rae getting spun around by someone in a pumpkin costume and couldn't help but smile.

"You must be Dorothy?!" I turned around to see a very drunk Scarecrow. I tried to smile but I didn't want to be flirted with so I tried ending the conversation with short replies. But he kept asking me questions... I eventually told him my friend was waiting for me so I took my drink with me and decided to head back.

When I turned around I bumped into someone in a Bear costume.

My water spilled on me a little. But before I had a chance to look down I hear a loud scream in the distance and I looked up worried. There was nothing wrong. Just a prank gone wrong maybe? The bear, who apologized to me after it happened, also had left.

I shook my head briefly and then went back into the crowd. I spent the next twenty minutes moving around on the dance floor. When I looked over at Rae she was still with that Pumpkin figure.

In a matter of seconds after that I suddenly became dizzy. 

I held onto my head and walked over to the side of the dance floor. I put my drink down and decided to sit down on the couch. A couple was making out beside me but I couldn't be bothered. It felt like the room around me was now moving.

I took out my phone and tried calling Rae from my spot. Eventually she picked up. I explained I wasn't feeling well and that I wanted to head out. I was able to get myself back up after a few times. It felt like my eyes were becoming foggy... I think I heard Rae tell me to meet her at the front so I made it towards the front door.

I was wobbling a little but I made my way to the front. 

I don't think I looked out of place. I was at a Halloween party and people were wasted. I looked like I must have drank several shots of hard liquor but I hadn't.

There was definitely something wrong.

I probably needed to sleep it off. I thought it would be best to crash at Rae's place tonight.

When I got outside I held my hand to my head. I just wanted this feeling to go away. It felt like I was losing control over my motor skills. People around me must have been trying to get my attention but I was just too wrapped up in feeling woozy. 

I made my way to the middle of the lawn and stood there momentarily before it felt like I was going to hit the ground. When my phone rang I was able to look at the caller ID. It was James. I had trouble swiping my phone up but I managed to accept his call.

"J...James..." I could hear myself slurring my words. "I... I d-don't kn...ow... wh-what's wr-wrong..."

"What is your address?" I managed to give out the address to him. He then told me he would be there soon and told me to not go anywhere else. I hung up on him because holding my phone up was getting a little difficult.

It may have been the feeling of being disoriented but I could swear there was a presence lingering behind me. Suddenly I felt terrified. I could feel a hand hover over my shoulder. I didn't dare turn around.

"Hazel?!!" I think I could hear Rae in the background. At the sound of her voice I felt relieved. I dipped my body backwards and laid on the ground. Seconds later I could feel Rae lift my body up and hold me to her chest. 

"What happened?!! Hazel, can you hear me??!!" I opened my eyes again. They were heavy.

"S-someone is-is co-coming to p...pick us u-u-up..." I could see Rae's confusion. My phone rang again but the only thing I could remember next was darkness. 

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