Close To This...

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I had been looking out of the studio, staring at a few people outside passing by.

"What's up?" when I turned to look at Rae she looked a little confused by my expression. I didn't know what I was thinking about until now or what my face looked like.

"You seem a little... distracted?"

"Hmm, I do?" I looked around, wondering what she meant and then I realized that I hadn't been painting... my canvas was blank. How much time had passed?

"I know you said you wanted to stay behind after your classes, but..." she looked at her watch as she finished her sentence, "it's been nearly a half hour... and..."

"It has?" I grabbed my phone to confirm the time. I couldn't believe it...

"I'm a little worried about you..." Rae reached over to pat the top of my head affectionately and I smiled back at her.

"It's nothing... I suppose I just don't have much inspiration right now to paint... I'll head out..."

"Alright..." I could tell that Rae wanted to talk to me. I could tell that she knew something was wrong but didn't believe it was the right time to press me on such matters. I was thankful for the space she gave me, but I knew that I would have to eventually come clean to her about many things...

When I left the studio, I walked slowly along the path towards the bus stop. The route I normally took only came twice an hour after 6pm, so I had some time before it arrived.

Before I got there, however, I noticed someone sitting on a bench in the distance... it was Charlie. When he caught my attention he waved at me and I approached him.

"How long have you been waiting here?"

"Not long... I had some extracurricular studies after school... I have to make up for the times when... you know..."

"Ah, I see..." I smiled while sitting next to him. I looked over at him and tilted my head slightly.

"Have you talked to your brothers about everything?" he nodded and I smiled.

"I'm happy for you..." I could see him grin at the corner of his mouth. Just seeing him look a little lighter... a little more at ease was a beautiful change.

"So... why were you waiting for me here?" he suddenly looked a little embarrassed and shook his head.

"I just... wanted to..."

"To go back together?" he nodded again and I laughed.

"You do realize I take public transportation?"

"I know... I haven't gotten rides from our home in a long time... I usually take the bus or ride my bike."

"Right, I forgot! Alright then, let's go..." I stood up again and he followed me. It kind of reminded me of a parent duck with their little duckling following close behind...

We waited for the bus together quietly. With Charlie, it didn't feel awkward. I appreciated his company and I understood that he was slowly coming out of his shell again and that probably would take some time to open up to me...

On the bus we sat together silently. When I looked over at him, I saw his head moving back and forth. He had fallen asleep. I then reached out to touch the side of his face and leaned his head on my shoulder.

When he woke up he apologized for falling asleep. I told him that if he needed to rest, that's what mattered. When we got off at our stop and started to walk towards the long path to get to the mansion, he spoke up again.

"You... don't find me too awkward to be around?"

"Not at all," I smiled and he seemed relieved.

"Come on... we're almost there..."

We continued our journey back to Ravenwolf. 

When we arrived at the gate we were let in. By the time we got to the front entrance, there were several cars by the roundabout. I looked at Charlie a little confused. Charlie shrugged, not sure of who the cars belonged to. I looked at my watch, it was just after 7:30pm now...

When we got inside the house, I could hear music blaring from the rec room. That was about a 5 minute walk from the front entrance, which was pretty impressive.

I did recall that Edna would be out with her friends playing BINGO, James would be studying late at the library, and if anything, Kai was still at the office, so who could it be? I looked up at Charlie and he seemed as equally confused and curious. I walked towards the rec room and Charlie followed me...

When we arrived, the scene that was before us was chaotic. Considering it wasn't too late into the night, the people here were visibly drunk and disoriented. We both looked around in awe.

"Who invited all these people?" Charlie said.

"There's only one person I can think of..." just as a woman hopped onto the pool table to lay down, someone poured some vodka into her belly button to take a shot. I cringed a little. A hand draped over my shoulder. When I turned around, it was Jackson. He had his other arm draped around Charlie's.

"What's up fam? I mean fam and... guest," he chuckled. I could smell some strong liquor from his breath. I shoved my shoulder upwards to shake him off. He reacted quickly and then turned to wrap the arm I pushed away around Charlie's body.

"What's up?"

"What are... rather, who are all these people?"

"Hmm, just some friends looking to have a good time."

"Jacks... this is a little..." Jackson turned to Charlie and hugged him in a tight embrace. "Jamie told me everything... I'll be sure to pay them back," Charlie exhaled.

"It's fine..."

As they spoke, I was pulled back by one of his friends. Before I could protest, the guy put me on top of the pool table.

"What are you doing?! Let me down!" I tried pushing him away, but his grip was tightening around my wrist. I saw Charlie try to get out of Jackson's embrace.

"Jackson called you for entertainment, right?!" he laughed, "let's just have some fun!" when I started shouting out at him, before I knew it, a hand was coming forward. It grabbed a hold of the guy in front of me and ripped him away. When I looked up, it was Kai.

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