Because of You

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The next day I arrived at Ravenwolf early for another shareholder meeting. 

We were wrapping up the production of the commercial and the final stages of the product launch.

Everyone in the board room exchanged some final thoughts and Kai let everyone know that everything was being taken care of and that the charity event's arrangements were proceeding smoothly.

When they heard about my participation they were excited about my enthusiasm...

When they all excused themselves I was left with Kai as usual. Since Nathan was responsible for escorting them out, I gathered all of my documents together and placed them inside the folder I was keeping some of my designs in.

When I went to one of the smaller meeting rooms, which I dubbed my unofficial office, I continued sketching, processing and conceiving new ideas for the charity event. When all the colours were blurring together, I decided to go out and get some fresh air. While I was out, I got a latte from a café nearby and headed back inside to continue working.

Before I went back upstairs, I wanted to make a quick trip to the bathroom. So I jogged over to the bathroom on the ground level. When I was finished, I could hear some more women entering. Just as I was about to exit my stall I could hear their conversation and abruptly stopped what I was doing. I sat down on the toilet seat, lifting my legs up.

"He's just so sexy, right?"

"I know and I mean if I didn't have a boyfriend," they were giggling. I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't have to hide but it would be awkward now to leave...

"You think he would give you the time of day when that woman is around."


"Natalie, you know?"

"How could I forget... a girl can only dream..." I wondered who they were talking about... it was getting harder to keep my feet up.

"Good looks, great body, great height... and he's the president of a multi-billion dollar corporation... total package," I could hear the snapping of compacts. They were probably refreshing their makeup a little... I was sweating a little while holding my legs up. I tried to gently press them up against the stall's walls.

"Even his name is beautiful... Kai Ravenwolf," they were laughing and I nearly dropped my feet to the ground. Luckily they were were completely distracted, and were not able to notice my mission impossible flexibility in the bathroom stall. So it was about him?

"Maybe we can take a photo of him at the charity event. No one will notice, right?" they continued to banter back and forth proudly for another few moments, while I deeply cringed on the inside.

When they left, I braced myself against the bathroom counter. That was an unnecessary workout.

I washed my hands and then thought about what they were saying again and I couldn't help but make a sour expression.

Sure, he had a pretty decent looking face. He had a nice body... I, unfortunately, could confirm that... and yes, he was rich. But he had a cold disposition and had the personality of a dead fish... well, that was harsh, but the way he approached things with me was a little harsh... even if there were moments of kindness.

I walked out of the bathroom and started thinking about the times we bumped heads and the times he seemed like he was caring or wanted to be a decent human being... even though I knew I would have been as skeptical as he was if some stranger entered into my house... who was also named the heir of their family's business and had the rights to a huge settlement. 

I understood it completely. The push back was normal... and the fact I couldn't tell them about the intentions of the old man until I made good on my promise was frustrating, but... just a part of the reality of the situation...

While I was wrapped up in my thoughts I also thought about the woman describing Kai in the bathroom. Their complimentary tone for their boss was one of the realest things I have seen in my life. Apart from the physical aspects, he still had a blunt personality...

"Watch out, miss!" I looked up, not realizing I was too lost in my thoughts, ready to bump into a wall. It was too late for me because I went in, head first. I held my face and the person who called out to me came over to check on me. Embarrassed, I thanked them for trying to help me and then I ran towards the elevator.

About four floors up I felt something run down my nose. When I brought my hand up to touch underneath my nostrils there was blood. For lord's sake...

It didn't seem like it would come streaming out, but it was enough for me to rush out when I got to my level. Some people watched me as I ran to the break room to grab a napkin. It was closer to the elevator than the bathroom was. I held it up to my nose hoping the blood would still stop flowing out.

I sat down and elevated my legs hoping it that would help. A few minutes later an ice pack was in front of my face. Someone had brought it to me and they were motioning for me to take it. When I looked up it was Kai. 

Why does he always show up during these inconvenient times?

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