Dominic and Greta Meet

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Copyright to Veda Pettigrew

(Chapters 13 & 14)

"That doesn't look right," Hammer echoed my thoughts as we paused to watch the scene before us. "That female is about to pass out, or cry, or maybe punch someone, I can't make up my mind." He frowned, "I don't like it."

I wasn't surprised at his feelings on the situation. His attitude towards women was different than most. His mother was the reason; she'd circumvented the pack system and raised her own son by becoming a rearer. Every time he was taught something she didn't agree with, she explained differently. He absorbed her teachings, refusing to forsake them and developed a weird hybrid range of ideas.

She did the same with me, staying on as a rearer longer than intended for my sake, becoming part of the team that raised me when she saw my own mother had very little to do with me. I didn't react like Hammer, my father's voice was never too far away. However, because of the affection I held for her, I didn't report her back then like I should have and it would be a lie to say I wasn't different because of her. She influenced me more than I let my father know, and I respected her more than most, I couldn't help but absorb some of her teachings; I just couldn't live by them. I'd studied pack law enough to know what was right.

But as a result of her influence, the situation before us elicited similar feelings of unease within me as my companion. I wanted to protect the female, she looked like she'd had enough.

Of what, I had no idea.

Packs dealt with their own issues and usually I didn't interfere but the prickles on the back of my neck were a reliable sign that something was amiss. Alarick stood, nose in the air and hackles raised. Another sure sign. He wasn't happy and I trusted my wolf's instincts completely.

"Plus Alpha Amos looks entirely too pleased with himself," I snarled.

I wasn't a fan of the man at the best of times. He'd insulted me once, a throwaway comment made at my first Challenge. Unfortunately for him, I had a long memory. Not that I let my opinions known, as Alpha of all Alphas I had to be impartial.

But it was also my responsibility to oversee alphas and their packs. I liked to arrive early to catch them off guard, they usually prepared too heavily for my arrival and I liked to know the realities of what went on in their packs. Today I was glad of it, I was about to witness the true side of Amos' leadership.

"Go round the side, keep watch but stay out of sight, be ready." It was all I needed to say to the man who had guided and trained me since I was a boy. Hammer taught me things my father couldn't, he wasn't a warrior like the man beside me. And Hammer wasn't just any warrior, he was the best...

I smirked internally. Apart from me.

"Gotcha Boss." He trotted away. He was the only one allowed to call me that, it was a personal nickname that suited the level of our relationship. Hammer meant more to me than any other werewolf, not that I would ever tell him that, but I'm certain he knew anyway.

I stood for a while and watched Stone Mountain's meeting, not willing to give away my presence yet. A silent spy.

The small female Hammer spoke of was standing on the stage nervously shifting on her feet and looking between Amos and a pack member in the crowd off stage. Amos was clearly furious with the male, but the man was resolute in his stance. Interestingly, he watched the small female with respect.

He turned to Amos with tension visibly thrumming through his body, if I didn't know better I'd say he was going to attack. What could cause such dissention against his alpha? It was a foolhardy move.

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