Ch 11 - New Friends

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Copywrite to Veda Pettigrew

The sounds coming from the dinner table were making me slightly nauseous. The men were guzzling down their food in a way that had me having to hide my disgust.

I had been put on solo cooking duty again because I refused to stop locking the doors of the rooms I was in. Alpha maintained as long as I locked them, causing inconvenience to others, I would have to make up for it by cooking dinner.

Today however, I had not made any effort to save a portion for the women.

The Starfish knew, and they had eaten plentifully at breakfast and lunch. I refused to feel guilty about my next plan. Call me vindictive, but the higher females were about to get a lesson in hunger. I wish I could do the same to these men, but one bridge at a time.

Once we had cleared the men's away, who were very disgruntled not to have dessert, we set the table for our meal and sat down. Some women slightly frowned at me as I sat too. I usually ran into the kitchen to fetch some more dishes.

"Greta, what are you waiting for?" Luna's sharp voice pierced my ear. "Go and get the women's portion." I smiled, it hadn't taken long for her to get used to the idea.

"I can't Luna, I managed to cook it all in one go today," I said innocently, pleased to hear the groans from around the table as they saw the meagre leavings we were all expected to share.

"What? There's not enough there to feed us." Eldra was not happy. "Yet another stupid mistake Greta."

I rolled my eyes, she'd been making digs all day. She wasn't happy that I had accused Jeremy of attacking me. I have to admit, I kind of understood, I would hate to hear anything like that about my son if I had one, so I ignored her jibes as best I could.

Instead I said, "But you guys told me something yesterday which really stuck with me and I decided to follow it today."

"What's that Little-Luna?" Higher Warrior's Mate Letty asked, her question reflecting all the confusion in the faces around.

"Well, Beta's Mate Eldra pointed out that it was the omegas' duty to give up their food to the highers..."

"That is exactly right," she said haughtily.

I nodded gravely, "And Fiona, you said because they were born with a lower station, going hungry was the way things had to be for them."

Fiona looked uncomfortable and glanced quickly to the omegas, "That's not exactly what I said."

"Those may not be the exact words, but that was the general meaning," I gave her a genuine smile to show I wasn't angry with her. I then looked around the table, "This made me realise that trying to save food for you was wrong."

"Hah! So you admit it," Luna interrupted. I ignored her, figuring I'd solve that little problem later.

"So today I let your highers have all the food they wanted. I mean, we as women are born lower, so what right do we have to food?"

With that I stood and picked up the leftover dish of venison stew and scooped every last tiny bit out and put it onto Luna's plate. Then I gave her the rest of the mashed potato. Her plate was barely full. "Enjoy Luna, it seems you are the only one eating tonight."

Then I pulled the water jug to me, poured a large glass, and sat down.

There was silence around me. All eyes looked at me in amazement, unsure of my actions. I couldn't blame them, this was the first time since I arrived that I made no effort to ensure everyone had food.

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