Ch 9 - A New Understanding

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Copywrite to Veda Pettrigrew

I walked gingerly into my bedroom, Sophie behind me.

"I don't suppose you have more of that wonderful balm do you?" I asked hopefully.

Sophie blushed, "I wasn't supposed to give you that."

"That's what makes you brave," I rubbed the top of her arm softly. My wolf was tactile; always wanting me to rub, sniff, hug and nuzzle.

I held back from the nuzzling. They'd think I was even more crazy. Silver huffed and puffed her tail up, flicking it under my nose. I giggled.

"What's funny?" Sophie asked.

"Silver is having a strop," I replied, knowing I was winding her up even more. She responded by nipping my fingers a little too sharply.

"It's so weird hearing you talk about your wolf like that, and now Lacy has Autumn." Sophie dipped her fingers in the balm that she had pulled from her pocket and smeared it generously on my skin.

I gasped. It hurt and soothed at the same time.

"Sorry, I can't apply it without touching you." She sounded contrite.

"That's ok. I'm glad to have it, it worked wonders last time. Where do you get it from? I might have to stock up with my new nightly punishment." I sighed gloomily.

"I make it."

I turned round abruptly, making her step back in surprise. "You make it?" I asked incredulously. "Wow, that's amazing."

She blushed again and I took the pot from her hand to sniff the contents. "Lavender, eucalyptus and something I can't recognise. How do you know how to make this?"

"I don't really know, it's sort of just there. I just look at, smell and taste plants and I know what to do with them."

"It's incredible. What a talent Ori has given you. What else do you make?" I gave her back the pot and turned so she could keep applying it.

"Oh a few things. Stuff for headaches, tiredness, burns, chapped skin, aching muscles. That sort of thing." Her hands were gentle as she carried on tending to me.

A wave of emotion swept over me as I realised why she needed these things, "All things you guys must get a lot as omegas."


"Does Alpha know about this? He could raise your position in the pack, you could become a healer."

There was a potent silence behind me.

"But he wouldn't would he?" I realised sadly, "He'd just force you to give up your secrets and keep you downtrodden despite your talent." I turned back to her. "This pack life sucks," I whispered.

She nodded dolefully. I wanted to make everything better, but I couldn't. All I could do was comfort her. I stood and drew her into my arms, rubbing her cheek with mine. "Thank you Sophie. No matter what, I will know of your gifts and admire them."

Silver joined in, licking Sophie lovingly.

"What's that?" She pulled back, startled.

"Silver licked you," I mumbled embarrassed. You can't just go round licking people Silver, I hissed at her. She just gave me a wolfy grin, alongside a smug feeling as she showed me a picture of me comforting Sophie by... oh flip-doodles.

That blimming wolf.

Fine I was nuzzling her. Doesn't mean you can lick her.

Her tail wilted at my words and I felt awful. Oh Wolfie, I'm sorry. Of course you wanted to help her. And I'm sure she loved it, it was just a shock.

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