Ch 39 - In the Bubble

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Copyright VedaPettigrew

Dominic's steady heartbeat vibrated through my ear as my cheek lay pressed against his hard but warm chest. It stirred the edges of my consciousness and brought me out of the dreamland I'd been floating in. Thump, thump, thump. The resonating thud underneath me was a perfect way to wake up in the morning.

Delight tinged in my stomach, this was how I would wake up for the rest of my life.

As I became more conscious I realised I was pretty much lying on top of him, with nothing between us to stop the feel of his skin on mine. I couldn't help the dreamy smile that accompanied the delightful memories flowing through my mind, reliving the moments that brought us to this state. Yesterday afternoon, after his astonishing and humbling revelation, we had finally completed the mating.  And It was wonderful.

And slightly awkward.

Films and books had a lot to answer for. The real thing was nothing like the smooth, soft focus fantastical thing they depict.

I was sore in more place than one. For starters I had bruised knuckles from when I was trying to take his shirt off over his head but it got stuck on his overly large muscles and my hand flung upwards and punched him in the jaw. Of course Mr 'My face is made of concrete' was fine. I was the one to get bruised. Though, the way he attended to my hand afterwards was almost worth the pain.

Then there was the bruise on my hip and bottom from when I tried to roll alluringly away from him to pose on the other side of the bed like an old glamorous black and white movie star, only to roll too far and fall off the edge.

To his credit he tried very hard not to laugh at me. Just not hard enough.

But a part of me liked that it went weirdly, that we were able to have fun and laugh. It made it feel more real. It made Dominic vulnerable in a way that was reserved for me alone, which made me feel safer in this volatile world, knowing I had a rock in my corner other than Ori. He made me bolder by showing me his softer side.

However, I'm not saying it wasn't magical as well... Dominic telling me he warty loved me as he carried me upstairs will be a memory I treasure always. Especially as I was able to say it back, leading to an intense, soul-giving kiss that left us both staggered by how more meaningful it was having declared our love to each other.

It was followed by actions, showing the truth of his confession, when he reverently laid me on the bed and made new vows to me as he removed my clothes one by one, devoting his lips to tenderly spend time on each new part of revealed skin.

It was emotional and breath-taking in its perfection. Hearing him promise to respect me, listen to me, protect me, honour me, warty love me forever, never put a hand on me in anger, never stop working on our relationship, do his best to make me happy, take delight in me, be proud of me, look after me, put me first... the list went on and on. Each vow more deeply moving than the last.

Surprisingly, there had been no bashfulness about our nakedness. It felt right. Natural. And after he spent so much time revealing each trembling bit of skin, distracting me with his delightful promises as he kissed me all over, all potential embarrassment was past.

By the time he took the thing I had been saving just for him, I was so much more in love with him. He made me feel safe in giving him my everything, which made our lovemaking more intense. He looked me deep in the eyes, professing his love as our bodies were joined in the most intimate way possible, the adoration in his eyes made me feel like I was the most precious thing in the world.

It didn't matter that it was a bit bumpy as we tried to find our rhythm, or that I managed to somehow headbutt him in the middle, trying to pull my hair out from being trapped beneath me. He laughed as I blushed in mortification and affectionately kissed my bruise.

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