Ch 8 - A Little Pot of Tricks

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Copywrite to Veda Pettigrew

I stirred the bolognese mindlessly. The pot was three quarters empty now, I had portioned out the men's and women's separately.

All of the women had gone through with the first portion of the meal and I stayed behind, saying I needed to attend the remaining food. I didn't want to be in the same room as both Jeremy and the man I now thought of only as Alpha.

He was no grandfather of mine. My dad would never have taken against me like that. I should have known, there's been enough evidence, but our moments in the forest, or even just talking in his office, led me to believe he might actually care for me.

But I guess I was completely wrong. I mean, he doesn't even show care for his mate, why would I be different?

Even as I wondered whether I would get away with staying in the kitchen, Bee came rushing through the door.

"Alpha demands your presence," she said with a grimace.

I nodded and turned the heat right down before going into the dining room.

"Yes Alpha?" I asked coolly.

"Why are you not in here with the rest of the women, and why haven't you made enough food?" he demanded.

I looked to Luna and took in the smirk on her face, I had told her my reasons already, but it seems she either didn't pass them on, or misrepresented them.

"As I was cooking on my own I knew I wouldn't have enough time to get it all ready, so I did it in two portions, one for the men, and one for the women. I didn't want you gentlemen to have to wait for your food." I spoke carefully, not wanting them to detect the sarcasm I felt. "I didn't come through because I'm still working."

I looked him in the eye without emotion, I felt almost dead inside. I had to shut down or I'd go crazy. I kept my eyes on his, ignoring everything in my peripheral vision. I didn't want to even catch sight of Jeremy.

"You must be in here when we are served, it is disrespectful to do otherwise," he said tersely. I nodded.

Though I knew the dinner would be fine on its own, I just had to push a point for my own satisfaction. "So you would like me to remain in here, even if it ruins the food for all the women?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Will it ruin?" he asked pointedly.

I pretended to think then shook my head.

"Then your question is meaningless. You will remain." I nodded again and melted back into the wall eyes fixed straight ahead.

I have to admit that I was glad I was forced to be there upon hearing the sound of dinner hitting their tongues. Groans of appreciation resounded, and I even heard a few rumbling swearwords.

They ate so fast and so much, I was glad I had had the foresight to hold the women's portion back. At the sound of the last spoonful being scraped from the very corners of the pot, Warrior Randolph searched through the women until he found me.

"Go get the rest of the meat from the kitchen."

I boiled with fury, these men really cared only for themselves. "If you have any of it, there won't be enough for the women," I stated boldly.

He just shrugged and another man reissued the order.

"I don't know if it's ready yet."

"Bring it Greta," Alpha ordered. I sighed and glanced at the women. Surprisingly there were quite a few who held disgruntled looks towards the men and gave me a small smile as I passed.

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