Ch 52 - A Perfect Fluffy Day

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

As I sat on my gorgeous mate's firm, muscular and very naked bottom I tried to remember why I was so desperate to win the bet. My hands glided up his spine and over his broad shoulder blades. Hearing him groan under me was incredibly satisfying and I wished that I could do this all day. Though so far, the most we'd managed was ten minutes before we got carried away.

This was currently my fourth attempt to give him a massage and I was determined not to let him take me off track, no matter how delicious the experience was. His smooth skin was warm and soft, covering muscles as hard as rock. The mere sight of them whispered to my desires, the feel as they moved to my touch created a hum under my skin.

I greedily followed the lines of his tattoos, running my fingers around the marks as I examined them in detail. They were all gorgeous but I felt especially fond of the one of Alarick and Silver, tails curled together, howling under the moon. As I explored each one, he told me the story behind it: lines from his favourite book, symbols meaning strength and leadership, patterns imitating the nature to be found all around us, leaves, trees, the mountain formation skyline. Every tattoo had purpose, each telling the story of his life.

The intimacy in the moment gave me a satisfaction that seemed selfishly decadent. He was mine. All mine. I mined a wealth of deep and beautiful emotion in the fact that parts of this man would only ever be shown to me. I had secrets of him, with him. It sated my gluttonous need for being wanted, being special to someone that was special to me.

I dipped my head to kiss the dimple dancing on his shoulder blade. Mine.

This was the second day of forfeits, yesterday I'd found myself singing for him in the privacy of our room. I chose the first song he'd ever heard me singing. The one that made my friends convulse in hysterics at how terrible I was. Yet Dominic was adamant that he'd enjoyed it and begged me yesterday to let go and sing my heart out. He actually made me feel so safe and not at all self-conscious that I ended up dancing around, singing exuberantly as he watched in obvious delight.

Today was the back massage, tomorrow was the baking day. He still hadn't told me what I was wearing and whenever I asked he told me he would give it to me in the morning after Hestia left.

She was going to spend the day with Uncle John, hoping to help him find somewhere to live within the packlands. There were several empty houses they were going to look at. As both previously mated people, they were free to be alone together without scandal. She was also planning on staying at the packhouse for the night so our day together didn't have a time limit.

The bet had been a blessing neither of us could foresee. It forced us to carve out time to be together. Dominic had been shut away since we found the Origins, studying them intently and except for the moments like this where I was doing my forfeit, I hardly saw him. I'd offered to be around so he could ask me questions, but he'd said he would save them for tomorrow. The nature of the forfeit that meant I wouldn't get to see anyone but him the entire day.

There was a wicked grin on his face when he said it that made my tummy tingle.

The last two days had been spent with my family, soaking their presence up while I could. Two weeks would disappear so fast, so I was glad of the opportunity to be with them so much. I'd already apologised to everyone that I was abandoning them for the day tomorrow, but they shooed it away. Hammer and Joan were going to play host, everyone was going to his house to meet Valerie, Mae and Beth. I knew they'd have a great time.

I was looking forward to finding out my mate's thoughts about the Origins. I desperately hoped they altered his perspective more than the Council Law Books had, but I had no way of knowing, he was being annoyingly tight-lipped, unwilling to give his opinion before careful thought, as usual. The anxiousness had been clear on his face when I'd reverently handed him the Origins, and I knew he worried about me, he didn't want me to be disappointed, but I had to trust that the very nature of the origins themselves was so miraculous and amazing, it meant there would be no way he could push them aside.

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