Part Forty Six

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 Chapter Forty Six

Bo couldn't believe the hug he got from Andreas, but then it was probably two years since he'd last seen him. He didn't look any different, the son of a bitch was a good looking man, all blonde Scandinavian features that had always been a hit with the ladies.

"This is Natasha," he introduced the two, and he was tempted to refer to her as his girlfriend, and that almost shocked him, he'd never wanted to do that in the past. It was torture to watch Andreas take her hand and pull it to his lips, all charm and suaveness. He felt outclassed for a moment, until he felt her other hand slide into his, squeezing his fingers. He knew that she could sense his anxiety, that much was obvious. They really were in tune with each other, and that made him like her even more.

"So, Natasha," Andreas had a rather unique accent, half American and half Swedish, which meant it sounded clipped, almost abrupt. "How did you meet this man?"

It seemed a little direct, and a little intrusive to Bo, but she gave him one of her huge engulfing smiles.

"He came for breakfast in my cafe, he made it so that I couldn't resist him."

He almost sprayed his drink across the room, it was a million miles from the truth, but it made Andreas open his eyes wide, then nudge him rather deliberately.

"Still got it, my friend." Then he leaned into Natasha, "he was always chased by women, never did the chasing, I think this is a great move."

She chuckled, "ha, very true, he had to work very hard in the beginning."

That made Andreas grin, then he turned and introduced the men he was with, half of the European team. Bo had met a couple and recognised a couple more.

They were all staying at the hotel, the North American team were in a different hotel, they'd just come from a training session and there was another one planned for the following morning. They'd all just emerged from the hotel dining room and a late carb fest to replace the energy they'd lost.

"So you're coming to the game on Saturday?"

Bo couldn't help but feel flattered that Andreas was so keen to spend time for him, there was the training, the game and then the party afterwards. He'd put him on the guest list for all of those.

As they players were about to leave, he pulled Andreas to one side, "is Nathan here?"

His friend nodded, "he is. He said you'd finally spoken to him." When Bo shrugged, Andreas added, "what he did to you was wrong. Bro code and team code broken. I'm just angry for you that he's playing and not you."

Bo smiled, "it's taken me a long time to let it go."

"A beautiful woman helps, Daniele was never that."

Bo nodded, "you're right. Will you come see me play, once your season is over?"

Andreas' eyes lit up, "I would love to. That, bro, that is a date."

A man hug happened, and then he watched the players leave the room, in a burst of energy that no one could miss. And he missed that. The presence, the furore, dominating rooms, the camaraderie. It was all as important as the time on the ice.

As he felt his bravado slip, that hand returned, squeezing his, and he looked down at the woman who meant everything to him.

"Thank you."

She looked at him quizzically, "for what?"

"For being there, for being you...for making things bearable." As he spoke he pulled her into his arms, and wrapped her arms around her, "and for making me feel like I've won the lottery."

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