Part Seventeen

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A/N Glad to see that you're all enjoying, and I'm loving writing this. These are a difficult couple with little smooth running. I hope that you keep on enjoying and does make me smile! MZxxx

Chapter Seventeen

Natasha was twirling her fingers, her teeth snagging her bottom lip, and her eyes darting nervously around the room. He only hoped that his explanation, opening himself up was enough. They were sat, thighs touching, the air, after his confession, and her reaction, was thick and heavy between them, and Bo knew he had to act, Natasha wanted him too. He also knew she wouldn't be the one to make that first move.

"I want to kiss you," he leaned close and whispered at her ear. He didn't miss her thighs squeeze together, her breath halt, her fingers grip into a fist. She wanted that too, he knew he wasn't pushing her, forcing this. He could read her.

"You do?" she finally managed, her voice hoarse.

He nodded, still at her ear, his stubble scratching at her cheek. "I do, so very much."

She gasped, and whilst he couldn't see her face fully, he could imagine what he would see, flushed cheeks, wide eyes, pursed lips.

Pulling at her near shoulder gently, he eased her around to face him, her eyes were dropped, but he used his fingers to lift her chin, smiling at her.

"Are you OK?" When she nodded, he added, "are you OK with this? Tell me."

He had to hear her say yes, he wouldn't accept a nod. In this day and age he needed her to tell him it was what she wanted, especially as they had such a volatile time to date.

"Yes." She breathed, and then his lips were on hers. And it was everything he remembered, they kissed ravenously, consuming each other, nails scraping, teeth clashing. Anger, passion, it was all there.

"I am so sorry," he breathed against her cheek when his mouth finally left hers. "I will make it all up to you."

She moaned as he dragged his teeth over her earlobe, then nodded, "I know."

Long moments passed where they kissed, grabbing each other, pulling each other as close as they could. And Natasha was breathless when she pulled back, meeting his eyes.

"Wow," he sighed as he ran a thumb over her bottom lip, fingers caressing her jaw. "That was pretty amazing."

Leaning her face back against his fingers, forcing him to support her head, she preened like a contented cat, and it made him smile.

"It was," she finally replied, "but I have to go."

His heart stopped, physical pain lancing through him at the thought of her stepping away from him, leaving him. "I'll be good."

She shook her head, "there's too much temptation. And it's too soon."

Of course she was right, sex now, so soon after their argument and his confession, it would muddy the water. That didn't mean he didn't want to throw her on his bed and finally get under her clothes. Blue balls, he was destined to have another night with only his fantasies for company.

"You can't call off your tennis tomorrow?"

She shook her head, "I can't. It's a weekly thing, we'll lose league points."

"But I leave Friday."

Natasha turned, tucking a leg underneath her, "you do. And I'll be watching you on TV."

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