Part Thirty Three

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 Chapter Thirty Three

As Natasha took the phone and flipped the camera around, she snapped a couple of pics, and the man, David, thanked her and Bo profusely, before making his way back to his table, and presumably his wife, who sat there tutting in his direction.

Natasha smiled before her eyes met his.

"I wasn't sure you'd come." He managed to throw the words out as he drank her in, it was a week since he'd seen her, and she looked so different and yet so familiar. Her blue green eyes sparkled, her pale skin was flawless, her luminous russet hair was wound into a single large loose curl, that fell over her shoulder, and the emerald dress she wore set off her colouring to perfection. Ruffled around the neck and hanging off one shoulder, then tight over her ample breasts, her slim waist and round hips. He loved her ass, and her legs..and her boobs, and the dress truly showed the shit out of them. Wow. He thought as he appreciated very inch of her, and that was making it very difficult to concentrate on the moment.

He stood from his seat, and pulled her into a hug, he wanted to do more, but presumed she would hate his familiarity. So he had to keep his distance to some extent. Not scare her off, as an impulsive person, this was completely against his nature. But he did what was right, ending the hug to rush around the table to pull out a chair for her.

"You look amazing," he offered as he sat opposite her.

Then she purposely ran her eyes up and down him, twice. "You too."

He preened in that attention for a moment, then sighed, "I am trying."

That made her nod, "thank you. It's noted."

Suddenly he had no idea what that meant, where she was with it all. So he changed the subject, "do you want wine?"

She bit her lip as she contemplated for a moment, and it turned him on so much that he wanted to toss the table over and drag her into his arms, instead he adjusted his trousers, trying to hide his reaction to her just being there.

"Are you? Maybe red?"

He nodded, "there's a really good Malbec on the menu."

She gave a little sigh, "I love Malbec. Good choice."

Signalling to the waiter, he ordered the bottle, then turned back to her, "you look amazing. Did I just say that?" When she nodded, grinning, he laughed, "sorry, not been this nervous in a long time. I didn't think you'd come...I don't deserve this chance."

Natasha was stunned, she wasn't lying when she'd ogled Bo, he looked amazing. Better than that in a charcoal suit that seemed to coat his skin and a black shirt, open at the collar. He was huge, tall and broad, yet tonight he seemed so humble. When she'd found him posing with the fan who'd obviously recognised him, her heart had melted that little bit more, she was one step away from being a puddle of mush on the floor.

"We need to talk, I can get that. Though it's not been top of my agenda."

He nodded, "that's fair, I was a complete bastard last weekend. I don't cope well with stress."

The waiter appeared with the bottle of wine, and they were both quiet as it was opened, Natasha tasted it, and agreed it was palatable.

"Are you ready to order?"

Bo shook his head, "can we have a few more minutes?"

He gave a half bow, "of course, sir. Take your time."

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