Part Forty Five

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 Chapter Forty Five

Bo was buoyant over the next couple of weeks, his plan to keep his distance hadn't worked out, and he spent more of his waking hours thinking about Natasha if he wasn't with her. He stayed at hers most nights, she had the early start, so it made sense. He had breakfast with her in the cafe most mornings, then headed to the gym with one of the trainers. He was just allowed back on ice, as he hadn't had a headache for ten days and was looking forward to finally lacing his skates.

The banter from his old friends and foes back in the States was growing by the day, the old nicknames and teasing like they were never apart. And finally his life was complete. He spoke to his family regularly, dined and trained with his teammates, bantered with his old friends, and came home every night to the warmth of Natasha.

He hadn't felt at home in years, but her apartment, above the cafe was the warmest, happiest place he'd ever been. It was cluttered, but filled with love, life, and energy. Despite the additions that Natasha had made to his apartment, it still felt sterile. He hated being there.

So she'd cleared some space in her bathroom cabinet and wardrobe and he spent almost all his time there.

Helsinki beckoned, but for Natasha, that meant a lot of work and planning, she was in the kitchen baking for the day at six am, and not coming up to her home until often eight at night. So Bo did his best, having dinner ready, massaging her feet, generally trying to help.

On Saturday he went to the rink to watch the game. Again he did some of the web cast commentary, which he enjoyed, and after a brief drink with the guy sin the bar, he headed back to the apartment, but on the way, he picked up Steph and her boyfriend Ethan. She'd called Natasha's several times looking for her, as she wasn't answering her mobile. Bo had told her how busy she was, and then invited them over for dinner.

He'd left Natasha a note, explaining that they were having guests, and could only hope that she was feeling up to company.

As they entered the lounge, she appeared from the direction of her bedroom, towel drying her hair, and her face lit up when she spotted Steph in the middle of the room. Dropping the towel, she flew across the room.

"Shit! Steph, I haven't seen you in ages!"

Steph hugged her tightly, "I know, I haven't been able to get over this way for ages, I missed Zumba and tennis."

Natasha nodded, "me too...been working hard, did Bo tell you we're going to Finland next week?"

Steph grinned, "he did, I didn't believe that my workaholic best friend would actually take time off!"

Natasha laughed, "needs must."

Bo didn't know what to make of Ethan, he was quiet, and he instantly knew they had little in common, but he liked Steph, so he tried to create conversations, and ended up talking about to him, though he knew nothing about it, he winged his way through a conversation.

Natasha kept glancing across at him, smiling gratefully, he knew she appreciated both seeing her friend, but also that he was occupying Ethan so that she had Steph to herself.

They ordered in Chinese and ate it at the dining table, drinking wine and talking. It was a great night, and Bo loved doing something so normal with Natasha, since they had been together it had all been hectic, clandestine meetings. Tonight had been an evening with friends. Normal, so normal. And great fun.

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