Part Twenty

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A/N It's getting hot in here...MZx

 Chapter Twenty

Kisses, contact, dancing, seemed the night had everything, that was without thinking about the meal he'd provided. It had been the best night with a man, Natasha refused to use the term date, she'd had in....ever.

Great food, the best they'd managed to spend a whole evening without arguing, and now? Now they were dancing to the Goo Goo Dolls, both humming along to the song. She couldn't remember a more perfect night. She had, of course, dated over the last twelve or fourteen years, but she'd never invested so much time, so much hope or expectation into a single night. She'd come there determined not to give in to her physical desires, but now, with his scent filling her nostrils, his arms encasing her, and his breath teasing her hair, she threw all caution to the wind.

Tipping her head back, she thrust her lips up at his, at the same time her hands made for his head and pulled him down to her. If he wanted to resist or protest, she left no room, and within seconds he'd backed her up against the cool glass, his body pressed against hers, and she could feel him hard against her stomach, if there was any doubt, that physically proved he wanted this too.

"Shit," he breathed as his mouth trailed to her ear, nibbled at the lobe. Meanwhile she managed to slip her hands under the back of his shirt, spreading her fingers over his smooth, warm skin. One hand cupped her jaw, but the other slid down to her buttock, and with a tug, he lifted her right leg wrapping it around his waist.

Now she was clinging on for dear life, her head rolling back as he tasted every inch of her neck, his tongue on her throat making her remaining knee weak. When his hand moved up her thigh to cup her buttock, hold her in place, his fingers drifted under her shorts to settle on her bare skin.

"Not helping," she breathed as she struggled to cope with the sensation of his fingers toying with the edge of her lace knickers.

Chuckling against her cheek, he brought his lips back to hers for another devastating kiss, and it saw the last vestige of her sanity and strength disappear.

Feeling her leg almost give way, he dropped her thigh, then backed her slowly and deliberately through the door, in the direction of his bedroom, his eyes never leaving hers, and his lips plucking kisses as he paused to open doors. She couldn't believe that she trusted him so much, to allow him to take control, to move her. But she did.

Suddenly they were in his room, stood at the end of the huge, silver clad bed. And her heart was pounding in her throat.

"You OK with this?" He asked, stepping towards her. When she nodded, he sighed, "I need you to say it, say it's OK."

She smiled, this was him, making sure, protecting them both, another hugely attractive feature. She bit her lip, as she met him in the middle, "I don't just want this, I need this."

With that, she reached for his t-shirt, pulling it up his body revealing tight abs, and sculpted pecs. She widened her eyes, knowing she was staring, "shit, you are beautiful." And he was, defined, and sculpted rather than over defined, but he made her warm and tingly.

Shirking the fabric off, he reached for her, "that's my line."

Nodding, she wasn't sure she was aware, she was too busy looking at his shoulders, his arms, a perfect dream, she had no idea what she'd done to deserve this, to deserve him, but he was here, and he wanted her.

His hand slipped a strap off her shoulder, and a little tug the other side saw her strappy top fall, and with a shimmy it slipped past her breasts then down to the floor. Leaving her stood in just her pink lacy bra, and her slinky shorts.

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