Part Forty

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 Chapter Forty

Texts, impromptu visits and flowers. That summed up Natasha's week. Every day a gift of some description was delivered, flowers, chocolates, a book even a sparkly scarf that exactly matched her favourite jacket, the man was thoughtful. Plus she was bombarded with messages from Bo, some important, some silly, all really sweet. Most days he called in, for lunch, or a coffee. Each time, perching against the counter, he was charming, friendly, but kept that physical and emotional distance that he was self imposing. There was innuendo there, hints about how much he cared for her, how much he wanted her. But he maintained that distance. It was her move to make, that was abundantly clear. And the frustration was starting to kill her.

Bo wasn't back to full training, though he'd gone to a few gym sessions, which seemed to help him manage his own frustrations. Coop had told him that he could ramp up his on ice stuff over the next few days, but as the first game on Friday night approached, Bo had to face it from off the ice. Natasha wasn't sure how he'd deal with that.

But in an unexpected move, the web team had asked him to assist with their live commentary, and do some on air interviews, and Bo smiled for the first time in ages when he even mentioned the game. Finally, he was feeling involved and that was huge for him. He seemed to get his joie de vivre back.

Natasha decided she wasn't going to the game as she was so tired, it had been a physically hard week, and then there was Bo, battering at her defences. She was emotionally frazzled. All week she dreamed of an evening relaxing, wine, maybe pizza and a box set on TV. She had one of her staff opening up Saturday morning, so she could even have a lie in. It was like a mantra, a goal, something to work towards.

But as game time approached, she knew she couldn't stay away, so she called a cab and headed to the rink. She didn't know any of the wives gathered, Freya was home with the kids tonight, Michelle was pregnant and resting, and Lizzie only came to occasional games, and that was a huge reason why she didn't want to go initially. Instead, she took a seat on her own in one of the attacking corners of the ice and pulled out her book. She was in the middle of reading To Kill a Mocking Bird, part of her challenge to read the top fifty books in the next eighteen months, and she was really enjoying the Harper Lee book. It was easy to switch off as the team warmed up, but when the game started she dropped it and watched intently.

Bo being in her life was a good thing on so many levels, but it was really the return to a sport she had once loved that had opened so many doors. New friends, possibly new colleagues, but also a rekindled love, hockey. She got absorbed in the first period instantly, it was fast, exciting, and she loved it. She missed the brooding presence of Bo Holding, demanding, controlling on the ice, a dominating force. The team stuttered initially, he was an important lynch pin in the team, but as time progressed, they pulled it together and got a goal before the end of the first period and the team left the ice to applause.

During the break when Natasha had a hot chocolate she returned to her book. Only for her phone to buzz, disturbing her.


Thought you weren't coming, but have to say, I fucking love that shirt, from this angle I get a great view!

She looked down, she was wearing a v-neck t-shirt which was fitted, clinging to her favoured assets, but it was a million miles from obscene. Grinning, she dropped her head, hiding that smile. Instead, penning a quick reply.

This? Old t-shirt. Nothing special.

She knew he was in the arena, and obviously that he could see her, but she wasn't about to show her hand by craning her eyes around the building for him. This was still a game, and she wasn't giving him an inch.

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