knock that stage off from under those people

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"though my soul may set in darkness, I will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly, to be fearful of the night"


"No I'm not!" Nora huffed. I laughed again.

"Ooh you aareee!" I cooed. Her eyes narrowed at me.

"You missy are so very extremely immensely very much wrong." If she thought that would convince me, she definitely wasn't. I opened my mouth to tease her again, but Reid beat me to it.

"Just accept it, Nora. We all know it's true." He was smiling too. He was so sweet. He had been spending more and more time with us recently. Turns out he's quite an amusing person himself. In case you're wondering, my crush on him has almost disappeared. Almost.

"Guys you're being nuts! I don't even know that guy." She said defensively.

"Yet you're ready to play tonsil tennis with him.." I said, wiggling my eyebrows. Reid whistled beside me.

"You guys are so impossible!" Her cheeks turned pink a little. I felt jealous of her blush. She blushed so cutely. Just the tint of pink on both cheeks. Ugh! Annoying.

If I ever blushed, I'd turn into a ripe tomato. Under the sun. Ready to pop.

Not that I've been blushing these days.

Ooooh jerk thought alert!

Shut up!

You're thinking of the jerk agaiiinn!

My inner voice just won't frickin leave me alone!

"I'm sure Kace is great at the tonsil tennis.. at least so have I heard.." Reid interrupted me on my argument with the inner voice. I raised my eyebrow.

"Dude, you know how well he kisses?" I asked him and laughed at my own implication. Only I laughed. (eye rolls)
Apparently Nora doesn't think that's funny.

"What are you insinuating?" Reid asked.

"You know......" I wiggled my eyebrows again.

"Oh yeah! Don't tell anyone but I totally banged Kace once. So much fun." Nora and I looked at Reid horrified.

You know how when a person you're supposed to make fun of, makes his own joke, the joke gets ruined? Yep it was like that.

Reid was laughing at our reactions.

"Too far?" He asked.

"Yes." Me and Nora replied at the same time.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes.

I looked at the time and realized it was just 10 mins before my class started. I loved to be the first one in the chemistry class, and I ain't about to stop being one now.

Bidding both of the goofballs bye, I rushed towards my locker. Fiddling with the lock on my locker, I opened the door and right then it was shut close. I gasped and turned around, my hand over my heart.

Lo and behold! The jerk was here.

"What do you think you're doing?" Xavier hissed. Fury bubbled within me.

"I don't know Xavier. What am I supposedly doing?" I bit out.

"What is Reid doing with you guys these days?" He asked me furiously.

This asshole is unbelievable.

I'm not taking his bullshit ever again.

"Careful Xavier. One might believe you're being jealous." I answered snarkily.
This guy really knew how to get on my nerves.
He laughed bitterly.

"So what? You just hop from guy to guy? Cuz the last time I checked, you were into me." I laughed humourlessly.

"It's rich coming from you." If I could, I would've shot daggers at him by just looking.

"What do you mean?" His jaw was clenched so hard, I feared for his teeth.

"Oh I dunno, from what Melissa has been telling about you two, you've moved on pretty quick yourself." I tried to sound as calm as I could. His eyes widened.

I chuckled inwardly. He was such an asshole.

"I didn't do an-"

"Yeah save it. " I cut him off. With a shove at his chest, I pried him off me. His scent was making my toes curl in a way that I hated.

I began to dash towards my chemistry class, leaving the asshole behind along with his nincompoopy attitude. I needed to get him off my mind. And I knew just how.

The duet that Reid asked me to sing with him. I'll take it.

Looks like I am gonna be late to chemistry class. Great!


"So today afternoon in the central park?"

"You got it buddy!" I answered the phone. Reid chuckled.

"You know I've become a hundred times better singer right?" I smiled. Not that he could see it.

"Good. Now you can finally go up against me." He huffed.

"Last time I checked we were on the same side." He reminded me.

"Doesn't mean I'm not gonna give you a little challenge..." I said with a laugh. I heard him laugh back.

"Looks like we're gonna have alot if fun."

"With me. It's always fun." I don't know where this confidence was coming from, but man did I like it.

"I'll count on it, Cadman."

"Won't have it any other way sweetie." I was surprising myself by just how well I was handling this. Previously, I used to shake in my shoes talking to Reid. Now I am flirting with him like a Class A player. Me likey.

It felt good to be confident of yourself for a change. Compared to the confused and vulnerable self I was around Xavier.

As soon as Reid hung up the phone, Nora attacked me with questions.

"Do you fucking know how you just blew Reid away??" She said exasperatingly. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I may just have...." I gave her a mischievous smile.

"I couldn't even hear what he said but I know for a fact that you were killing it!" I sighed with content.

"I'm singing the duet with him at the school's music fest." She smiled at me.

"I'm glad you're doing it hazey. It's about time you start singing again." I nodded at her, my heart swelling with unknown emotions.

"You knock that stage off from under those people Hazel!" I tried to stifle my smile.

"Uh.. Nora.." she gave me a cheeky smile.

"Yes Hazel."

"That statement doesn't make sense."

"Uhh.. Hazel?"

"Yes Nora?"

"Shut up."

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