I'm just an itsy bitsy nameless creature

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"I call her the devil for the way she makes me want to sin so bad
And every time she knocks my heart its I just can't stop myself from letting her in."


Hazel's POV:

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Everything's gonna be fine.

It was my mantra for the previous 15 minutes ,ever since I entered the premises of highschool aka hell. Today was the first day of school after the summer break. I just hope this year doesn't go as bad as it went last year. Anyways back to my mantra..

Breath in. Breath out. Everything is gonna b-

"Hey hazel!!" A redhead broke my from my stance. I stared at her in confusion and tried to remember her. I swear I had seen her somewhere. What was her name again? Maria? Mary? Marisa. I'm sure it was something like that.

"Hey Marisa!" I replied finally, trying to put the same energy in my voice but damn! This girl sounded way too cheerful for the first day of school. The redhead narrowed her eyes at me.

"It's Melissa." Hah! I told you it was something along the lines!

But you still said the wrong name. Ughh.. Damn you inner voice.

"Oops! Sorry buddy." I smiled at her.

"No problem." And then off she went.

Yep.. So my days at school were always like this. People would just come around, greet me and then just go away. Never knew why thou, but it was down right weird. Anyways back to the mantra.

Breath in. Breath out. Ever-

"Hey hazel." Oh shit. He's here. Hide!! hide!! hide!! I was just about to turn around and run but a hand gripped my arm tightly. Pfft! There goes my stealth mode.

"Don't run away please." Sam begged. Yeah sure whatever you say Mr. Ex boyfriend. Yep Sam was my ex boyfriend and we broke up during the summer break. It was the most cliché break up ever I must say. I mean I was going to Sam's house to surprise him but apparently I was the person who got the surprise. Long story short I found Sam screwing another girl I didn't knew. And just like every cliché story I ran away. And then ever since I've been trying to avoid Sam. It was extremely hard though since he was everywhere I was, but I had managed. Uptil today. Now back to the moment.

"I have no interest in talking to you whatsoever Sam." I replied him. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone.

"Come on babe! It was a one time thing, I swear." Okay now that definitely set me off.

"What the hell do you think I am! I'm not some garbage you can use and throw. We're over. Get that in the thick skull of yours. And stop following me!!!!!!" I shouted. God the nerve of this man!

"Technically I didn't use you. I mean you never let me screw you." He replied as a matter of factly. Oh wait....

"Was that the reason you went after her? Because you got horny?" I asked him quietly. He nodded. Anger swept over me and before I knew what I was doing I kicked him hard. In his jewels. And damn it felt so good. I should have done that in the first place. Well it's better to do it now then never. Anyways let's just continue my journey to my locker. Like I was previously trying to do before a moron stopped me.

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