I don't wanna look like a noseless person.

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"My darling you can't see it, can you
How like the moon you are, both of you so timid in yourselves;hiding pieces from the world.
Then there are those rare moments, when you both are full and it becomes hard to look away.
You are beautiful"


"Well so I think this one is better than the previous one. But personally this one too has too much of shimmer. I guess we'll have to find another one right?" Nora finally decided to ask me. I, who was plopped on her bed, rose my head a bit to see which dress she was talking about this time. About a dozen of dresses came to my view, leaving me still confused about which dress she was talking.

"I still don't understand why we're going through so many dresses. Why can't we just simply wear some jeans?" I asked in an extremely bored tone. It seemed like my suggestion worked on Nora.

"You're right! We can dress as classy as ever!" Oh shit! Did that mean I'm gonna have to dress slutty?

"No Hazel, you're not dressing slutty and that was one time thing!" Oops, looks like I said that aloud.

So the next hour we had finally opted two outfits. Nora had gone for bright pink shorts and a black shirt that had a lacy upper half. It looked extremely sexy. And I must say Nora had a very good taste. She picked a pretty decent outfit for me as well. It was sexy and comfy altogether. And luckily I didn't even had to move a limb.
Mine was black leather jeans that showed my long legs with a black shirt and a short leather jacket. I was happy.

Nora's outfit above.^^

Hazel's outfit^^

Unfortunately what I had forgotten about was that I had to wear high heels. And the worst part was Nora wasn't wearing them!!! That was plain rude, don't you think!?
Even though I protested against it with all my might, Nora wasn't among the people who just give up so unfortunately it was me who finally gave up.

Reid and Jacob ( Nora's date) arrived soon. We too were finally done, so we came down. I nervously fiddled with my jacket. I had no idea how Reid would find me because these kind of outfits were never my type.

Walking down the stairs, I did not lift my gaze. I did not want to see the disappointment in Reid's eyes. I kept my head low. Finally reaching him, I looked at him. And I must say he looked handsome. I looked away after I saw him looking at me with a blank expression. I knew wouldn't like me! And just when I started towards the door, a pair of hands grabbed me by my shoulders and I was turned around to meet Reid's eyes.

"You look beautiful Hazel. " and I lost my voice. Although, I wasn't as nervous as I usually am when I'm with Xavier, but the nervousness was still there. Only Reid and Xavier were the two people that made me word vomit and speak incoherent things. It was like I wasn't in the right state of my mind. It was annoying really.

"You l-look beautiful t-too." I stuttered. Reid looked at me with raised eyebrows. "No! I mean cute! No! Sorry! Handsome!!! I meant handsome. Yess definitely that. I mean men are not beautiful right? And you're a man so you're gonna handsome. Haha, so foolish." I spoke quickly. Reid laughed.

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