You can't get away with just flicking at me missy!

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"And smiles turned into laughs
And laughs turned into kisses
And before you knew it,
the hours turned into days and
days into weeks.
And you will find yourself forgetting what it was like before they were in your life."


"Is it true Hazel?" Cade asked me while laughing. I shot him I dirty look before returning my glare back to Nora. I can't believe she told them that!
I looked around at all of them. Xavier was chuckling, Kace was wiggling his eyes at me and hell, even Cain was smiling. I think this is the first time I saw him smiling. Mostly, he just keeps him to himself. I huffed.

"It's not that funny you know. Most of the people do it." I said crossly. It really wasn't that unusual.

"Yeah when they are seven not seventeen." Kace corrected me. I glared at him.

"I think it's cute." Xavier commented. I blushed.

"I mean imagining Blossom dancing in the shower, it sounds adorable." He then leaned into my ear.

"And hot." He whispered. My cheeks heated up even further.
I glared at Nora the one last time before I stood up with my tray. I swear, I'm gonna choke her until she screams bloody murder, the minute I get alone with her. And, I'm sure she knows it. She practically told four guys that I dance while I shower. I mean how cruel is that?

I was dumping my trash in the dustbin, when Xavier came beside me. His usual smirk was intact while he slung his arms around my shoulder.

"Come on! It really seems cute thinking about you dancing in the shower. Plus..." He leaned closer and looked straight into my eyes. "I love imagining you in the shower." My breath caught up in my chest. I should have known he'll get pervert about it.
But most importantly, is it weird that I kinda found it hot? I tried to suck some air into my lungs but I couldn't. I found myself getting lost in his eyes deeper and deeper. It was like we were spell bound. His dark brown eyes were darkening further with something intense. Something other that lust. Something I couldn't put my finger on.

"Your eyes have the most beautiful shade of hazel I have ever seen." He whispered softly. This time I didn't blush. I just stared into his eyes.

"But there is something about them. Something that makes them even more beautiful." He continued.

"What is that something?" I whispered to him.

"I don't know. Some emotion that is hidden behind these orbs so well, but time to time, it peeks from behind and mixes up so enticingly in your eyes. And when it twinkles in your eyes, it just pulls everyone towards you." I looked at him, completely dumbfounded. Never in my life had I considered my eyes to be something attractive. But right now, the way Xavier just said it, it felt like no one in the world had more beautiful eyes than me.
I forced myself to look away from him.

"No wonder you get the girls easily." I forced out a small laugh. Xavier frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well with the lines like these, the girls are bound to fall for you."

The hell, I'm falling for you.

"Hazel, I wasn't trying to flatter you out there. I really meant what I said. You have the most beautiful pair of eyes." This time, I found heat crawling up my cheeks. I averted my eyes to the floor. I just couldn't look in his eyes. They were too intense. They were bringing out very strange feelings from within me. Never in my life had I felt like that, even when Sam used to look at me. Although I was very convinced we loved eachother.
Xavier's fingers took hold of my chin softly, and he forced me to look back in his eyes. They were twinkling with amusement.

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