Are you wearing a bra or are those tits outta' the cage?

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"She was beautifully out of place...
Sometimes I believe, she intended to be.

Like a silver moon glistening during the day ever so bright, overwhelming your senses."


It was official. Today has been the most horrible day for me in the entire semester.

In the matter of just three hours at school, I had managed to irritate a teacher, getting a detention in result, fail my physics test, make myself a complete fool in front of the entire history class by falling down on my stomach, face planting and now finally drop applesauce on my shirt.

Currently, we were in cafeteria with Nora laughing at my distress while me rubbing the applesauce off my shirt furiously. I seriously don't understand how so many things can go wrong in just a matter of three hours. It was a record seriously. I should be labelled as the unluckiest girl of the year or something.

"You know Hazel, you really should start focusing more on what you are doing." Nora suggested, laughter still dancing in her eyes. I glared at her and continued to rub my shirt. I could totally imagine her rolling her eyes at my childish behaviour. But can you blame me? I was having the worst time of my life currently and the bad boy ,on the table beside mine, watching me wasn't making it any better. Yep you got it right. Xavier Tynan is the person I'm talking about.

Seriously, it's like that guy turned into Edward Cullen and grew up some staring tendencies. Totally creepy if you ask me. But since this is Xavier and not Edward Cullen, it's more like unnerving than creepy. Ever since last night, we hadn't talked. Neither did Xavier approach me nor did I. Not that I ever did. I finally decided on attempting to ignore those flustering gaze of Mr. Bad boy and started eating my food. However, because it was a bad day for me the bell rang before I could do so. Hence, I was left empty stomached and miserable. Lucky for me, this was a free period and I could eat in the hallway or at the backside of the school. Nora bid me good bye and rushed to her class while I walked to my locker to take the extra shirt out, that I keep in there for times like these. Just when I took my shirt out a voice startled me, causing me to jump.

"If I asked you to have sex with me, will your answer be the same as the answer to this question?" I frowned at the odd yet flustering question Xavier had asked me.

"No!" I quickly said. Then I realized what I had said and quickly rectified.

"I mean yes!!!!" It took me a while to understand that it was a trick question. Ugh! That cheeky player!
I glared at Xavier with irritation. Why was everyone bent on making this day worse for me?

"Aww!? Are you really that eager to get down and dirty with me?" He cooed.

"No! I am nottt!" I exclaimed however he ignored me and continued.

"I bet you get wet dreams about me huh?" He winked. A blush began to creep up my face I furiously shook my head. Extremely embarrassed, I stuffed my face in my hands. I heard a deep chuckle coming from the person who loved to tease me. Looking up, I continued to glare at him. Xavier rolled his eyes.

"You do realize that you are as intimidating as a goldfish right?" He mocked me again. However, before I could say something, I was tackled into a hug that knocked the breath out of me.

"Oh my god hazellll!!!!! It's been so long since I saw you!!!!" In front of me stood Kace crying out loudly. Cade snickered at his childish behaviour.

"We saw each other this morning case." I told him in the duh tone. He quickly nodded his head.

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