You both are sickening and repulsively cute.

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"When he kissed her,she felt like she was losing her mind.
And when he kissed her twice, she wasn't even sure she wanted it back."


"You wanna know baby. I know it." Xavier urged. I huffed at him.

"Oh I don't. I told you!"

"Oh but you do. I know you."

"Shut up Xavier. I don't wanna know." He chuckled deeply. Why was he chuckling? I fail to find amusement in this. He shouldn't be chuckling over my misery. He's my boyfriend!

Yeah. But you don't own him! My subconscious was back.

Don't poke your nose where it isn't wanted you nincompoop! I scowled at it.

Technically I'm your subconscious so it's just you who's poking your nose in your business. It shot back. My scowl deepened.

Just freaking shut up. I snapped at it.

"You're talking to yourself again aren't you?" Xavier shook his head in amusement.

This man finds amusement in everything I do!

"I was not!" I replied.

"Don't worry baby.." I looked up in surprise at the sudden change in his tone.

"Worry about what?"

"The number of girls I have been with." He replied.

"I told you. I was not worried." I argued.

"You and I both know that's a lie baby." He rolled his eyes. Then he decided to continue.

"I mean sure.. I have held several girls in my arms and, kissed them.. and.. well.." he waved his hand, dismissing the end as if he never said it.

"It was nice indeed. Made my heard pound and all that. But it wasn't at all like when I take you in my arms and kiss you." His eyes, I felt as if I was gonna drown in depth and darkness of them if I stared even a second longer. I looked away.

He reached out for me, and touched my lower lip, barely brushing the edge. "It starts out the same, but then, after a moment," he said, speaking softly, "suddenly it's as though I've a living flame in my arms." His touch grew firmer, outlining my lips and caressing the line of my jaw. "And I only want to throw myself in it and be consumed."

I wondered if I should tell him that his own touch seared my skin and filled my veins with fire. But I was already burning and melting like a wax candle. I closed my eyes and felt his unnerving touch move to my cheek and temple, ear and neck, and shuddered as his hands dropped to my waist and drew me close.

"Xavier.." I breathed out. His eyes grew darker. Like a pitch black night. Those nights when the wolves cone to life and look for a hunt. The nights you should be scared of.

"Say it again." He said in a deep husky tone, dripping with command.

"It." I tried to be cheeky.

A stinging smack to my butt was my reply. I gasped.

"Lets try again. Say my name." He whispered against my neck with authority. I gulped. Loudly, I think. But I wasn't the one to back down.

"My name." I said. Xavier pulled back from my neck. His eyes burning with excitement and lust.
And then within a few other seconds, I found myself pressed to the back on the wall of my living room.

"You like toying with me, don't you?" He asked me. Before I could answer I was spun around so that I was facing the blank wall now. My heartbeat grew faster.

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