A Fated Encounter

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Without hesitating I ran towards the figure in front of me. 

An inconsiderate driver, who was speeding through an intersection, was about to hit an older man in front of me. I was only about several feet away watching the green light turn yellow.

"Watch out!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I ran towards him to grab a hold of his arm. I pulled him towards me while tripping over myself. The driver honked his horn and then sped right past us. They ran the red light.

I fell onto my side but released my grip as soon as I knew he was safe. I winced in pain and the old man rushed to my side.

"Child! What on earth were you doing!?"

I brushed the side of my pant and before I knew it he was helping me up. I had torn a lot of skin on one side of my hand. The blood was dripping onto the ground.

"Are you alright?" I looked up at him concerned and his furrowed eyebrows slowly softened.

"You... why did you do that?" I smiled at him and replied: "Well if I hadn't you'd be a flat pancake by now."

He chucked and then I winced in pain again. He held onto his head momentarily, seemingly contemplating a few matters. I stared at him a little confused.

"Let's go to the hospital to treat your wound."

"I'm okay! I just need some alcohol and bandages. Look..." I pointed at a pharmacy nearby and he sighed. "I'm covered."

"I have to repay this debt of gratitude in someway..."

"Sir... do you think I did this for something in return?" he shook his head and I smiled. I reached out and grasped onto his arm, "there are people in this world that wouldn't do what I did, and maybe there are people who may expect something in return if they helped you. But, I did it because I saw a person in need and reacted because I knew in my heart that somebody needed me to be there for them at that moment..." he stared at me seriously.

"You do not want to be compensated?"

"Well, I could use a few more compliments for my bravery..." I smiled and he chuckled. He then reached into his pocket and took out a small, worn out bracelet.

"Here, this was something my late wife used to carry around with her. She received it from a Monk when we were travelling in Thailand. It's supposed to bring you luck. I want you to have it."

"I couldn't possibly take such a sentimental--"

"Nonsense," he reached over to my other hand and placed it there. "If you think my life is valuable as it is, then you will accept something just as valuable in return."


"I'm an old man, child..." he patted the top of my hand and smiled. "I don't have many years left in me... and I always felt like the person that was supposed to receive this bracelet, to carry on its good energy and luck, was now meant to be you."

"But... you just met me?"

"Sometimes... there will be people that you wait for your entire life hoping you could have met them sooner," he then lightly touched my arm before walking past me. I looked over at him confused by his words. He stopped suddenly and then turned back. There was a man in an expensive suit who had been rushing over towards him while he started to speak, "What is your name?"


"Hazel..." he smiled again, "thank you," I stared at him confused while the man, now standing at his side looking worried, held onto his arm escorting him forward. The old man was whispering something in his ear. I waved at him, a little speechless about what happened. I winced again, realizing that I needed to tend to my hand.

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