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"Are you staying?" Josh asks.

"Out there," I reply, "or in here?"

We're in Dema, clearing the wreckage from the fight. It's utter chaos. We lost some Banditos after Andre killed Keons. Caroline was one of them. I feel sorry for whoever has to tell Peter.

Some Banditos and citizens are outside digging graves. We decided to bury Keons, too, as he helped us - in the end. That was something.

"Out there," Josh clarifies. Clancy and Debby, who are with us, stop working to hear my answer.

I sigh, looking at the dirt and dried blood I couldn't scrub off my hands. "I don't know. Where are you staying?"

"I don't know."

We're going to reform Dema. The remaining Bishops are going to serve time for their crimes, for starters, and we're getting rid of the neon. Then, we're going to leave the gates open, and anyone who wants to leave can. Those who stay will no longer be oppressed, but will be able to choose their leaders - a group of leaders over the entire population. We're done with the district system.

A lot have decided to stay in Dema as it's safer, but most of the Banditos - the ones who have been in Trench the longest - have decided to leave. No one knows where they're going to go.

We don't need the Banditos anymore.

"I'm staying here," Clancy says. "I don't wanna leave Echo."

Debby looks at Josh. "I'm going wherever you're going."

Josh smiles. "And I'm sticking with my sister."

"Great," I joke, "I'll get to third wheel for the rest of my life."

"You won't be third wheeling," Debby replies. "You've got Tyler."

"Did someone say my name?" the man in question asks. He was outside, probably helping some of the others dig graves, but he's come back in grinning.

"Yes," I say, smiling at him. "I'm no longer third-wheeling with Debby and Josh because of you."

He walks over and puts an arm around me. "Just another great reason to be alive."

I'm not entirely sure how he survived his final encounter with Nico. They stopped breathing in unison, and then, Nico's robes just dropped. The body inside had disappeared.

Tyler says that Nico's somewhere in his mind now, though he's weaker - a lot weaker. Personally, I don't think he's changed much since he woke up. No one else has noticed a difference, either.

"Are you leaving the city?" Josh asks. He knows that wherever Tyler goes, I'll go, too.

Tyler shrugs, then looks at me. "I'm going wherever she's going."

Debby groans and jokingly rolls her eyes. "Can someone just pick a place so we all know where we're going?"

To my surprise, they all look at me. I think for a moment - out there or in here? A wide open space, full of endless, unexplored possibilities, or a safe place with reliable sources of food, shelter, and water? The same place where I grew up, and where my parents are buried, but made better and new.

I sigh. "In time - whenever that time may be - we'll leave the city. For now, let's just focus on staying alive." I look at Tyler when I say that last part.

He grins, then kisses me. "Now that I can do."


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