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I almost kissed her.

I was this close.

When she jumped up and left, I couldn't even speak. I was dumbstruck by so many things happening at once. When I processed it all, I fully realized that Spencer was what ruined the moment.

I looked up at the bird. "Come on, man. That was unnecessary."

He turned his head abruptly as vultures were wont to do. I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

She was looking at me first. She started leaning forward first. I was sure of it.

So maybe her leaving like that didn't mean she didn't want to kiss me. Maybe she just panicked. Or something.

She wanted to kiss me.

She wanted to kiss me.

I was thinking about that - and about her - when Spencer started freaking out. He was flapping his wings rapidly and turning his head, then he just flew away.

My brows furrowed as I watched him go. "What...?" Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. Like a footstep.

Before I could even turn around, I was jerked backward and carried off. Away from the fire, away from camp, away from my new home.

Away from Y/N.


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