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I had failed.

In the back of my mind, I always knew I would.

But I had to take the risk. I had to at least try. I couldn't live there anymore. I couldn't do it anymore.

They told me who I was. Who I was supposed to be. I had no freedom. I owned nothing. I didn't even know who I was, or what I would've been without them. Him.


He took me back to Dema. He had control over me. Over all of us.

There was that moment, though. When the people in yellow showed up. They threw the petals, and I felt true freedom for the first time.

So I ran.

He caught me, in the end. But I regained hope. A new vigor - motivation to truly escape. To truly be free.

They- the Banditos - would come for me. I knew it. I could feel it in my bones.

I saw her - I could only see her eyes, but I saw her. I didn't know her, then, but she looked right at me. A Bandito.

I took a flower from Trench. I hid it as we rode back to Dema, and I hid it again in my room. It was mine. It was the only thing that was mine.

I thought about it when they tried to reform me. The neon flowed. It glowed. Before, it was mesmerizing. It numbed my brain. The very brain they formed from it.

After I escaped, they thought they were losing their hold over me.

What they didn't know was that they'd already lost it.

I was going to get out of there if it killed me.


SAHLO FOLINA &lt; tyler joseph x reader &gt;Where stories live. Discover now