Chapter 4: And why are we day drinking again?

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I stroll towards my beauty, my baby, my ruby red Mazda 3. I look towards James and Selena who looked absolutely flabbergasted, their jaws practically hitting the ground. Jay sprints towards the front stroking the hood while i open the car.

''YOU have a Mazda 3!! Woman, do you know how much these cost right?!'' he screamed and Selena ran to the front.

''Yeah, around 23,100 dollars...'' i smirked and opened the door casually as James continued to smother the car.

''I CALL SHOT GUN!'' SiSi yelled as she took a seat and James frowned still stroking the car.

''JAY STOP DROOLING OVER MY CAR AND GET IN!'' i yelled at him as he shrugs and gets in.

I start the car as it roared fiercely and i put the radio on. It switched to the song 'Do it like a dude' and a grin painted itself on my face as i  drove out of the parking lot. The wind in my hair as it hit my face, i took my phone out and called the contact 'Nancy'

''Yo, Nancy can you keep Jakey for another hour and a half?'' i said as my eyes never left the road.

''Sure'' she replied kindly as i cut the phone off.

Next to me, Selena gives me a confused look and behind James is doing the same while i sigh.

''Who's Jakey and Nancy?'' she asks in a curious tone

''yeah'' James added

''Jake, uh he's my lil bro, and Nancy is his babysitter'' I say with a poker look.

We arrive at the bar 'Cold N fresh' and i walk in standing beside Selena and James like bosses and i put my sunglasses on just for that extra dramatic affect. We go to the bar and sit on the stools. I look at my two friends.

''A margarita'' i say while i take my sunglasses off

''A classic sex on the beach please'' Selena said and i look at her like 'did you really just order a sex on the beach?'

''Just give me a damn Tequila'' James said clearly irritated by the events of today

The bartender looked at us and sighed finishing up polishing the glasses and got started making the drinks.

~Time skip~

''And why are we day drinking again?'' Lena asked while James sighed and i just looked down at my drink messing with the little umbrella.

''Because a lot of shit happened today'' he replied while gulping down his third Tequila savagely

''Whoa there my dude'' i said with a chuckle as James held his head

''Eh, just one more r-round please?'' he slurred

Me and Selena looked at each other worryingly

''He's definitely drunk'' She said and i nodded in agreement

''I didn't even get to get drunk and its not even dark yet'' i mumbled while wrapping one of James' arms around my neck as SiSi did the same.

I abandoned my margarita for this. I sighed and internally face palmed.

''W-where we going BFF'sss??'' Jay spat out eagerly as we walked out the door and into my car. I started the car and looked at my phone for the time. 4:20 well isn't that just great?

~Time skip brought to you by the Dolan twins- hA yOu WISh!~

Once I dropped James home and meeting Mr and Mrs Lee, me and Selena decided to drop her off home and call it a day. I took her home and drove home myself satisfied with myself  by making new friends. I  felt the cool breeze on my face as my lips curled into a smile, not my usual plastered smirk or my stupid grin, no, it was a genuine smile.

I wish this will last forever.

I looked towards the beautiful sunset, a mix of amethyst violets and pale pinks as it shone towards me. As i saw my house my smile faded thinking about how this would end. I parked my car into the drive way and got out exhausted. I walked slowly towards the door turning the key to meet a brightened face.

''cess!! Your finally home!'' Jake yelled running towards me as i pulled him into a hug.

''I missed ya too Jakey'' I breathed out as i held the person i cared most for in the world in my arms.


''Nancy thank you, go home now'' i looked at her and she thanked me walking out the door.

I gaze at my little brother, his eyes full of joy. Its not like i don't love my big sister, its just that. Every time i look at her, when i look at her golden locks, her ocean blue eyes...She reminds me of mom..unlike me and Jake who have gotten our features from our father, Clare she looks exactly like mom. And it hurts...It hurts to look at her...It hurts to think of mom, it hurts to think about the both of them.

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